Donald Trump’s first claim for the first time was less than 15 minutes after becoming the US President.
He said at the beginning of his inauguration speech, “The Judge and the government will end malicious, violent, and unfair weapons.” There is no evidence that the former President Joe Biden has ordered the Ministry of Justice to prosecute Trump, and no violence has been performed.
Returning to the White House in the second presidential election in the second term is the return of what a critic called the “American liar leader.” In the first week of his inauguration, the immigration, economy, electric vehicles, Panama canals, the defeat of the 2020 elections, and the riots on January 6th, were false and misleading one after another.
Some people think that accepting false acts is habitual and strategic.
“This is the continuation of Donald Trump’s brand,” said Tara Set Mya, a former Republican Public Relations Director of the Federal Congress. “I know that Nikko is the best disinfectant, so I’m going to keep lying to hide what I’m doing. If I can weaken the system and trusted sources, I lie. In addition, we have witnessed the collective delusion in the Trump administration 2.0.
According to the Washington Post, Trump made a false or misunderstanding of 35,73 cases during his first term as the president. During the presidential election activities last year, the same pace was maintained. On Monday, when he made his second appointment in Washington’s Federal Congress, he stated that he would do normal work.
President Trump is in his inauguration speech, saying, “The US government has not been able to protect US citizens who comply with law, but have illegally entered Japan from all over the world and many dangerous criminals from mental hospitals. It provides protection. ” As a matter of fact, there is no evidence that other countries are sending criminals and mentally ill over the borders.

The 47th president has also promised to overcome the “record and price” and instruct ministers to rapidly reduce costs and prices. The inflation rate peaked at 9.1 % in June 2022 under the Biden administration, but the inflation rate in 1980 exceeded 14 %, much higher in other historical periods.
President Trump talked about his desire to regain the Panama Canal in the United States, saying, “The US ship has been severely overwhelmed and has not been treated fairly in any form or form. It is also included. ” Above all, China runs the Panama Canal. Panama officials have denied President Trump’s claim that China operates canal and has been charged for over -prices.
Immediately after the inauguration ceremony, the onslaught on reality continued. “By the way, the 2020 election was completely fraudulent,” in a statement to the audience gathered in the Slave Liberation Hall of the Parliament. Authorities, who investigated the elections, including President Trump, concluded that the election was fair.
President Trump said on January 6, 2021, when a violent mob attacked the Federal Council, Nancy Peloshi at the time “refused 10,000 soldiers.” However, he did not issue such orders or formal requests to the state soldiers before or during the riot.
The president has argued that Biden has pardoned “what, 33 murderers, absolute murderers, worst murderers.” As you know, you must be a bad person when you are sentenced to death in the United States. Biden announced last month that it would reduce 37 of the 40 federal prisoners. The imprisonment is not an amnesty, not the person who is guilty of that person.
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In a series of boosted exchanges with reporters, Trump continued to make misleading claims, violent exaggeration, and obvious lies throughout this week. In an interview with the FOX news in the presidential office, he tried to explain the full pardon against the mob on January 6 by rejected the violent attack on the police as a “very minor incident.”
President Trump has repeatedly used the interview that the Governor of California and other officials refused to provide water from northern state to extinguish the fire. He made a false claim that New Sam prioritized the preservation of endangered fish over public safety.
Even the White House website has also been infringed. Mr. Trump’s official biography claims that Trump has defined a “Sliding victory” last year and defined a US success story. However, the site did not mention Trump’s “big lie” part that Mr. Trump won in the 2020 presidential election, and said, “A few times attempted assassinations and unprecedented weapons for him. Regardless of, he won the second victory. “
However, while the fact checker continues to pursue President Trump’s responsibility, the Republican Party seems to be more reluctant to correct records, but those with the influence of the right wing are currently subdivided. He is eager to expand the falsehood of President Trump in the media eco system. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and X leaders attended his inauguration ceremony. Facebook’s highest executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg has recently announced that the platform will abandon a factor in third parties.
“If Donald Trump has had a permanent impact from the time when Donald Trump was on stage of politics, we have a Democratic strategic consultant and media -related consultant. Even if you make up, you are living in a world that can be said to be the truth. ” Decide to bend.
“There are content creators and content machines that exist only to lord to Donald Trump’s remarks and make them true to some extent. This is the word (Richard) Nixon’s words.” President. ” If you do it, it is legal. That is the world where we live now. “