US News announces rankings of the best bed and breakfasts of 2025
More 350 b&BS, inns and small hotels are recognized at 17 US destinations.
Washington, March 25, 2025 / prnewswire/ – US News & World Report, Publisher Best hotel, The best vacation and The best cruise lineToday we have announced the rankings of the best bed and breakfasts of 2025. US.
The ranking recognizes top properties of 17 cities and small towns, and was selected based on a US news user survey, indicating that staying at B&B accommodations at these destinations is of particular interest to travelers.
“Bed and Break First offers a sense of immersion in the local area and the personal connections that travelers often crave,” said Zach Watson, senior travel editor at US News. “The 2025 Best Bed and Breakfast Ranking celebrates the local establishment, an informal guide, and breakfast conversations reveal hidden gems and top properties taking part in each community’s story.”
US News ranks both experts and guest sentiment by ranking small properties based on star ratings, collecting annual awards from well-known travel publications, and collecting online review data from recent travelers. For more information on rankings, please see Methodology page.
The next bed and break first, inn, small hotel is given the best name on their market.
Asheville, North Carolina
1900 Inn Monford Bington Green Bed and Breakfast Inn & Spa
Bar Harbor, Maine
Balance Rock Inkle Stone Manner
Boston Yacht Haben Clarendon Square
Burlington, Vermont
Stone Hill Inn Made Invermont
Cape May, New Jersey
Virginia Hotels Mansion
Charleston, South Carolina
zero George StreetWentworth Mansion
Charlottesville, Virginia
Arcady Vineyard Bed and Breakfast The Dinsmore Inn
Fredericksburg, Texas
Country Herb Garden City on the Hilltop Spring Creek
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
inn White OakVaraderi Inn
Key West, Florida
Gardens Hotel Key West Harbor Inn
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
EJ Bowman House Bed and Breakfast Hollinger House Bed and Breakfast
New Orleans
Chromaison Perrier
Newport, Rhode Island
Changler Francis Malborn House in Cliff Walk
Portland, Maine
Francisthe Docent Collection
Salem, Massachusetts
Silsbee’s Daniels houses merchants
Savannah, Georgia
Keho’s HouseGastonian
St. Augustine, Florida
Collector in the Cedar House Inn
Explore to learn more about the best bed and breakfasts Facebook, x (previously Twitter), Tiktok and Instagram Use #bestbedandbreakfasts.
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Source US News & World Report, LP