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Donald Trump suggested that Britain may avoid US tariffs because the threat of the International Trade War has fallen to the EU market.
The US President tells the BBC:
Mr. Trump also said that the discussion with Keal IR was “very nice” and added: “We had several meetings. There were a lot of calls. We are doing it very well.”
Stocks have fallen throughout the UK and Europe, the French CAC 40 and DAX in Germany have fallen by about 2 % in this morning, and the London FTSE 100 indexes have decreased by 1.2 %.
Trump told the BBC on Monday: Unfair. “
The US President has already announced that it will impose 25 % of trade taxes from neighbors and the largest trade partners in Canada and Mexico, and at the same time, collecting 10 % of Chinese products.
All three countries have pledged to be kind to Trump’s actions, causing fear of global trade war.
After Trump said, “I got off the line,” the transaction with us says “we have a fair and balanced”.
Downing streets argued that Donald Trump was “not in line,” said Downing Street, saying that his business relationship with the United States with the United States was “fair and balanced.”
The Prime Minister believes that Trump trusts him to protect his words, but the US President thinks that he can “solve” transactions to make tariffs in the UK. I said.
The Prime Minister’s official spokesman asked if Keal IR believed that he could trust Mr. Trump to protect his words.
“Yes, the Prime Minister has a very constructive early conversation with President Trump, and is looking forward to deepening trade, investment, security, and defense relationships in cooperation with him,” he said. 。
ATHENA STAVROUFebruary 3, 2025 13:36
The MSP behind the law says that supporting the dying bill has long come.
The last -stage Scottish voice, “I have to hear loudly and clearly,” says Holly Rudo, so MSP is at the forefront of bidding to change the law. I mentioned it.
LIAM MCARTHUR has submitted a member’s bill on HolyRood. This allows if you pass, adults living in Scotland, who are suffering from late illness, seek help to end their lives.
This is the third time that the Scottish Congress has considered a legalization bidding in accordance with the death of death.
However, on Tuesday, MacArthur, who provides evidence to members of the Holly Rude Health Committee, scrutinized his death for the end of the adult (Scotland) bill, and its change has been “long time.” Was stated.

ATHENA STAVROUFebruary 3, 2025 13:25
What is the UK trading with the United States?
The United States is one of the major British trading partners, almost one -quarter of the export of chemical substances, and about one -third of crude oil imports.
Here, the United Kingdom will investigate the amount of trade with the United States based on the figures issued by the National Statistics Bureau.
Read a complete article here:
Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 13:18
King is a Royal Convention revival, welcoming Tory’s leader Chemibedenock to the palace.
The conservative leader Chemi Badenock has a one -on -one audience with the king and revived an old monarchy tournament with a new opposition leader.
Charles welcomed Mrs. Badenoc in the Grand Room in the Buckingham Palace in 1844 on Monday morning.
Mrs. Badenoc, who was elected to the leader of Tory in November, was shown by a smile and showing her body with her body and grinning when she stopped her arms at the start of a 30 -minute meeting.
She is said to be the first opposition leader with a formal one -on -one audience with a monarch within 19 years.
“It was a treaty that fell on the way under HER, the kingdom of Queen Elizabeth, and seemed to be a courtesy to revive in a new reign.”
I don’t know why the tradition has expired during the opposite year of workers.

Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 13:04
Starmers trust Trump, as the No.10 spokesman says “an essential alliance”
KEIR STARMER TRUSTS DONALD TRUMP, Downing Street suggested that the US President would be able to trade with the United Kingdom to avoid tariffs, and that he would end the contract.
The Prime Minister’s official spokesman asked if Keal IR believed that he could trust the US President to protect his words.
“Yes, the Prime Minister has a very constructive early conversation with President Trump, and is looking forward to deepening trade, investment, security, and defense relationships in cooperation with him,” he said. 。
He added that the United States is an indispensable ally for the UK.
“There is a fair and balanced trading relationship that brings profits on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
“It’s worth about 300 billion pounds, we are the biggest investors of each other, and have a 1.2 trillion pounds in each other’s economy,” he said.
Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 12:17
Bridget Philipson defends a new school inspection
The rebellious Secretary of Education has defended a new plan to change the test after being criticized by the principal’s sister, the principal who died in the school, was reduced.
Bridget Philipson said, “I was pleased to see a furious discussion about our reforms … (that’s a sign of returning to the center of the people’s discussion under this government education.” I did it.
OFSTED wants to replace the judgment of words accused after the tragedy of what happened in the principal’s Ruth Perry.
However, her sister said she was worried that her new proposal was a “re -hash” of the “dangerous” system she should replace.
Kate DevinFebruary 3, 2025 12:10
Kay Burley accuses Richard Tizes as “telling garbage” in a fierce collision.

Kay Burley accuses Richard Tizes as “telling garbage” in a fierce collision.
Kay Burley and the reformed British parliamentary Representative Richard Tais blamed the Donald Trump tariffs in Mexico and Canada as “talking about garbage”, so it was intense in Sky News on Monday, February 3rd. I was caught in a collision. The U.S. President has argued that the measures have been designed to stop the flow of drugs and immigrants from Canada and Mexico, the closest neighbors of the country. His movement has caused panic in financial markets around the world. “Let’s focus on what is happening in Mexico and Canada, but what is happening in the UK,” Tice told Ms. Burley.
Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 11:59
EU leaders respond to Trump’s tariff threats
After imposing tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China on the weekend, various EU leaders responded to the threats blocked by President Donald Trump.
Prior to the unofficial EU leader meeting in Brussels, German Prime Minister Olaf Cholt said that the European Union was strong enough to respond to US tariffs, but “the goal will lead to cooperation.”
A conservative opposition leader and full of hope, Prime Minister Friedrich Melz, said that Trump’s tariffs, “it will not be necessary to pay the people who import it to the United States. It will not be broken. “
Meanwhile, Finnish Prime Minister Petelli Olpa said that Europe should negotiate with Trump in trade.
“The most important problem we need to understand is that Russia is a threat and a real threat, not a fact,” he said.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that if Europe was attacked by commercial interests, he must respect itself.
According to Trump’s recent statement, “the EU is more unified and more aggressive in order to respond to collective security issues.”
Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 11:46
What is Trump’s tariff?
Donald Trump has submitted a pledge to introduce new trade duties in Canada, Mexico and China, with a panic in financial markets around the world.
After the new US President has signed the administrative order Torio, the tariff is set to come into effect on Tuesday. He argued that the measures were designed to stop the flow of drugs and immigrants from Canada and Mexico, the nearest neighbor of the country.
Read a complete article here:
Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 11:28
Form a part of the overhaul of education to work on students’ absence
The Secretary of Education said that working on students from school is not something the government can do alone.
“It is not possible to work on us alone, but there is a lot we do,” said Bridgit Philipson.
“The company, school, and family partnerships, and partnerships after pandemic are increasing the destruction we see, so it has been very much resetting the relationship between the government and the school and the relationship between the labor. It was important.
“But in terms of what we are doing at the moment, we are investing more in mentoring and attending support, and we are working with schools that do not provide what we need to increase the attendance rate. Masu.”

Holly EvansFebruary 3, 2025 11:17