President Donald Trump took an executive action on Wednesday to carry out political issues, the center of the 2024 campaign. Transgender women have banned from participating in women’s sports.
Trump signed a presidential order in the afternoon in the afternoon in the eastern room surrounded by a young girl wearing a motor uniform and a motor uniform.
“The war with women’s sports has ended with this presidential decree,” said the President.
This order is twice as long as it is inclined to compliance with the title IX. This prohibits discrimination based on educational programs and activities that receive funds from the federal government, and the involvement of the federal government with the private sector.

Trumperails for Transgender people threaten Denari and Panama Canal
Trump’s latest measures are already facing legal tasks, as his administration is already targeting transgender rights and trying to be targeted through executive actions.
Prior to the signature, the White House officials said that the new lawsuit would have obtained opposition in the Biden title IX. The Biden administration has established a rule that the school violates the title IX when the school is banned from participating in a sports team.
The Trump administration’s position for the title IX is, “If you intend to play women, if you provide an opportunity to women, they must be equal and equal, equally fair, and equally private, and That means you are going to maintain a woman’s sport for women. ”
Some transgender athletes claim that sports have unfair advantage, but that is not the case.
Research is limited and continuous, but in the 2017 review of peer -reviewed journal sports medicine, we found a “direct or consistent research” indicating that transformers have the advantage of movement. 。
In a recent research review in October 2023, gender differences occur after puberty, but many concluded that “the gender that supports hormone therapy has decreased even if it is not erased over time.” For example, physical attributes that may function with the favor of Trans girls, such as height and limbs, appear to be “low adaptability”, but there is no effort to restrict tall sisgender athletes. I also pointed out that. Rather than physically or very talented in other ways.
The White House officials have stated that the administration will examine the additional guidance, regulations, and interpretation of the title IX, and also promote investigations of schools that are not complicated by the Ministry of Education. A school that was not compliant later warned.
Trump proposes to dismantle the Ministry of Education. If the effort was successful, KAROLINE LEAVITT, the director of the White House, told reporters that the government would “consider additional operations to implement these very important policies,” he said.
The officials also said that the Trump administration also believed that it had a “role to fulfill” in sports organizations, and “Listen to women athletes and their parents” with sports organizations to the White House. I am planning that.
“I hope the Olympic Committee and NCAA will not allow men to compete in women’s sports,” Trump further said Trump.
Trump has no legal authority for the International Olympic Committee or the National Athletics Association, but Lebit has stated that the execution lawsuit will “start a very public pressure campaign for these organizations.”
“He hopes that these organizations will comply with this federal presidential order,” she said.
In the remarks on Wednesday, Trump told Secretary of State Marco Rubio that he had instructed the International Olympic Committee to clarify.
Authorities have said that the state level has a plan to call the state of the Bagot in order to enforce the “Books to Protect Women’s Sports”. Wednesday Trump is expected to meet Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, who signed a state law that banned Trance athletes in 2023 in his state university sports.
Rubio, added by the staff, uses a UN -like organization to promote the administration’s attitude through reports on gender issues.
Executive action is also looking for a visa policy review. “Fraud” said the authorities.

Commander of Transgender Navy responds to the ban on Trans service members of Trump
In his first week of his second phase, Trump signed an administrative order that hindered Transgender to serve the army, and his first order during his first term in 2017. Was revived, but later reversed by the Joe Biden administration. Trump’s order is facing a legal battle brought to two transgender people who want to join with six transgender members.
Another order signed by Trump was called for Transgender women to be detained in federal facilities and housed in male facilities. Three transgender women accommodated in women’s facilities appealed for their policies, and earlier this week, the Federal Judge prevented the Trump administration from implementing it.
In the end of the campaign, Trump and his allies poured millions into television ads attacking President Camala Harris at the time on the past support of certain rights for Transgender people. 。 situation.
The upper and lower members of the voting spent a tremendous amount of television advertising on this issue, despite the fact that they were not the top priority for them in the 2024 election.
For example, Trump repeatedly called on Algeria’s female Olympic boxer, Imann Kerif, and said he had “shifted” to an unfounded thing.
Even before the 2024 presidential election campaign was launched, Trump escalated the LGBTQ community, especially Transgender Americans. Trump, which appeared in July 2022, expressed the opposition to a woman in a transgender participating in a track and field competition, was amazed at the applause, and claimed that his adviser would include it in his remarks. He claimed that he did.
“They said,” Don’t do it, “” said Trump. “And it gets the biggest hand. It’s crazy.”
Critics have stated that Trump is trying to form a policy on issues that do not exist on a large scale. NCAA President Charlie Baker told the Senate last year that less than 10 athletes compete across NCAA.
This story and headline have been updated by additional development.
CNN Steve Contorno, David Wright, and Samantha Waldenberg have contributed to this report.