At that time, some Palisiians came to Jesus and said, “Leave this place and go somewhere. Herod wants to kill you.” 32 He said to Fox. “Today and tomorrow and tomorrow, we continue to rise the devil, keep healing people, and achieve our goals on the third day.” -Luka 13: 31-32-31
“Politics do not belong to the church.” I and many of the clergy colleagues have heard some form of this statement to you. (But, usually, he is not a clergy who calls himself a gospel.
However, after a while, I am exhausted to point out the fact that the whole Bible is a political document.
In fact, the word “politics” itself is derived from the ancient Greek “Police” derived from the Greek “Police”, which means “urban” or “nation”.
Therefore, the word “politics” simply describes the method we live together in a community in urban or state (or countries). And of course, the Old Testament began with the story of how Adam, Eve, and his sons live together, and how Abraham and his descendants live together, and the Moses law is the Hebrew. We have cultivated whether we live together like. The prophet accused the Israeli people failing to live together, as God called them. Then, in the New Testament, Jesus came to the scene and continued to CHI, because he could not live together in a way to please God.
And after his death, the apostle Paul continued to write in the early church to see if they should live with Gentiles. Therefore, the Bible as a whole depicts the instructions to the religious people about how to live with each other (that is, politics).
The unfortunate thing is that many people confuse the word “political” with the word “partisan” without intentional (or sometimes intentionally). Jesus was actually very political, but he was not a party.
There is a big difference. Being a party is related to participating in the “party” and matching yourself in the power structure that exists in the political party. And the political parties on Jesus were not just religions, but political (and he made many choices). There were Parisians, Sadkai, Essen, and enthusiasm. But he did not integrate himself into any of them. He knew that the political group had no perfect corner in every aspect of God’s will. So he thought and taught all the political issues in his times (and many of them).
When Jesus was told that his biggest commandments were to love God with our hearts, souls, and heart He had two separate statements. The first commandment was strictly religious, and the second was strictly political. How we love God is a religious issue. But how we love our neighbors is a matter of politics. And calling a political leader of his era “fox” was an example of not only political statements, but also the truth to power.
Last week, last week, Bishops of religion’s sister, Bishops of religion, was criticized for sermons in the first prayer worship, regarded as “political.”
What was her crime? I will ask the president to be mercy on immigrants living in our country. guess what? Her message was very political and very Bible (anyone who has read the Bible will know). She was attacked by all the prophets in their era (from the Old Testament to MLK Jr.), but like all of them, history proves that her words are correct and true. 。
So what did Jesus mean by calling Herod “fox”? He is a ruthless predator who searched for a vulnerable prey to the attack, and I think he used his UNNING to achieve his goal no matter who was hurt. Considering the definition, will Jesus refer to the current leaders of our government using the term? I don’t know. Tell me. I don’t want to appear “politically”.