The humpback whale temporarily swallowed the Chilean kayaker before spitting him out without getting hurt. The entire scene was captured on video and quickly went viral.
Last week, Adrian Symancus was kayaking in Magellan with his father Del as a humpback whale emerged from the water and swallowed him with a yellow kayak.
After a while the whale reappears and releases Simanka.
Watch the video here
“I thought it ate me.”
“I thought I was dead,” Adrian told The Associated Press. “I thought it ate me, it swallowed me.”
A few metres away, Del captured the incident on camera as he calmed his son down.
“Stay calm, stay calm,” he can hear saying and hearing after his son is released from the whale’s mouth.
Adrian says he was really scared after being released from the whale, thinking that the whale would hurt his father or that he would die in the sea.
“When I stood up and floated, I was afraid something might happen to my dad.
Adrian manages to reach his father, and both Dell and Adrian return unharmed.
Whale attacks are rare in the Chilean Sea, but cold water poses a challenge for sailors, swimmers and kayakers.
Editor: Sean M. Siniko