David Howard Sodon Asz Art The Piero, the villain of “Terrier” slashing
Damian Leone, director Phobia In the series, his cruel violent slashing franchise is not a political story, but a statement that clarifies a pushback from horror fans, and then ignites a social media controversy. I put it on.
The phobia films are followed by Freddie Crewgar, Jason, Michael Meyers, Ghost Face, and Chucky’s bloody Exploit.
The art played by David Soonton Howard has become notorious for sadistic to promote violent murder, and the later films are unlikely to be Killer the Killer by Lauren Lavera. We will confront the Siena Show.
Both performers have been spoken frankly to the Trump administration in social media, and Leone’s statement was widely intercepted as a response to their political posts.
What did Damian Leone say?
Leone said, “Some of my casts and crew members may have a very passionate political being in social media.
Leone continued to write as follows. … I fell in love with a horror movie as a pure entertainment, and they were a movie I like to make. Since Terrifier 1, our casts and crews have been composed of both Republican and Democratic members, and as long as they are decent humans, regardless of their political affiliation. We welcome something. “
Terrifier fans, along with the general fans of the horror genre, were not impressed by Leone’s statement and notified their emotions in social media.
Some fans were confused when Leone had posted something. Because there was no popular discussion on the politics of Terrier films.
Many horror fans have confirmed that this genre has been very politically charged and has been done from the beginning.
Horror fans are correct because this genre is all about examining fear and anxiety. Horror stories have no choice but to maintain dark mirrors in society, reflecting fear, prejudice and UG.
Historically, horror movies have been investigating racism, female disgust, homosexual love, and capitalism corrosion effects on society.
The night of Living Dead became famous for the black man Ben (Duane Jones), and was lynched by a crowd that was mistaken for a zombie, and a heartfelt zombie of the mall came from the sequel to the movie. , Dawn of the Dead.
Jordan peel movies (GET OUT, US, NOPE) are full of dull political commentary, but even simple slashing movies often contain deeper bottom flow.
Terrifier Films features excessive violent men who Dress the most terrifying acts of women’s characters. Is Leone’s movie really “pure entertainment” or a commentary on women’s dislike?
The Siena Show, the nemesis of Art The Piero, is the play of the looting of the “last girl”, and Siena is a god to destroy the devil’s clown while enduring the terrible pain reflecting Jesus’ suffering. It implies that it has been selected.
Trier is not subtle about this. In one point, Siena is literally wearing a crown.
Therefore, many fans were confused about why Leone proudly posted his movie as “pure entertainment.”
Cast members of “Terrifier” often post politics in social media
Many have assumed that Leone’s statement was made in a political post written by David Soonton Howard, who was passionately posted on the defensive LGBTQ rights on the thread.
One fan responded to LEONE on X (Twitter).
“I feel that this is compatible with some of the LGBTQ advocacy that DHT has recently been launched on his platform. Playing both ATMs, one claiming the right and life of a minority. When the other side is celebrating the split of Saig Hiles and the immigration family nationwide, I love you, DHT and the crew, but now this reaction is better than good. It also causes a lot of damage and causes a tear between Trier community. “
Leone answered. Who would hire all LGBTQ casts and crew members? They are loved, respected, and encouraged to work with us. “
The seemingly deleted post from Leone caused more anger while reading.
“I’m all for political horror movies. Making political movies, intentionally pushing your non -political films, personal political agendas, and alienating people who work” happily “. There is a difference in intentionally making the platform that can be done. “
Many commentators are dissatisfied with the fact that the political post of the cast is described as “weaponization”, and David Soonton Howard likes Instagram posting, which criticizes Leone’s words, “” Some people pointed out that they were ashamed of CO disease. “
Many pointed out that many of the success of phobia films was due to the memorable performance of Howard and Ravela.
The Howard will blow an amazing amount of humor into an unpleasant act of art, and if there is no pantomime emotion, the character will be a terrible violence.
Perhaps Leone means that when his movie was just a “pure entertainment”, it was not interpreted by his fans as political or meaningful. That does not mean that.
As one commentator said, “I don’t intend to make a political thing when I put a pen in paper, but horror movies can have a variety of people who need them.”
Details from Forbes