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After the gunfire fired at the Swedish adult education center, the teacher talked about her fear.
11 people died at 12.33 local time on Tuesday at Risbergska School in öRebro, about 125 miles west of Stockholm.
Local police chief Roberto Eed Forest said in the dead that the previously unknown shooters were not suspected of being connected to gangs and terrorism.
Teachers and students talk about how to hear the gunshot when the alarms are raised on the campus, when they do barricades in the classroom or run to the shelter.
School teacher Maria Pegad, 54, said that a person opened the door to her classroom and shouted to everyone to get out.
“I took all 15 students to the corridor and started running,” she said. “Then I heard two shots, but we made it. We were near the entrance of the school. I saw people injured.
Sweden Prime Minister Wolf Crysterson said the worst shot was in Sweden’s history. “We witnessed brutal and fatal violence against completely innocent people,” he said.
Police survey on murder, arson, and worsening weapon crimes were held.
“Terrible situation” -Prime Minister of Denmark
Denmark’s Prime Minister Methte Frederiksen expressed his support in the neighboring Sweden and called a “terrible situation” on Tuesday.
“I’m very sad, and all my thoughts are the victims and their families, and in the Swedish community and society as a whole,” she said after a talk with Keal Starmer in London.
“It’s a terrible situation, and of course, our neighboring countries have all our support.”

Alex RossFebruary 5, 2025 04:00
The police excluded terrorism, and the suspect acted alone
Sweden police have excluded terrorism by a large -scale shooting at the Adult Education Center, as he continues to investigate the case.
“I know that about 10 people have been killed here today. The reason we can’t be more accurate now is that the scope of the case is very large,” said the local police chief Roberto. Eed Forest said at a press conference.

Mr. Forest said that the police at the press conference believed that the gunfire was acting alone and the terrorism was not currently suspected as a motivation, but many things remain unknown. I warned. He said the suspicious Gunman had previously been known to the police.
“We have a big crime site. We need to complete the search at school. There are several survey procedures we are taking. It is an interview with the perpetrators and witnesses.” I said.
Namita SinghFebruary 5, 2025 03:43
The number of people injured, the police say
According to the police, other possible casualties are being searched.
“Currently, there is no information on the conditions of the injured person,” said Robert Eedeestoest, the local police chief.

The shooting was performed at the Lisberguscask School, which was about 200 km west of Stockholm, where the formal education was not completed or the grades could not be continued. It is on the campus that contains schools for children.
Namita SinghFebruary 5, 2025 03:41
Police said that Gunman was believed to be in the dead
Police have been believed that the gunfire is in the killed people, and that the motivation for the attacker is immediately known.
“We have a big crime site. We need to complete the search at school. There are several survey procedures we have taken. Interviews with perpetrators and witnesses.”

Namita SinghFebruary 5, 2025 03:23
What Sweden’s Prime Minister Wolf Crysterson said at his press conference
A few hours after the attack at the Adult Education Center on the outskirts of Oleden, the Swedish prime minister, Wolf Cristson held a press conference to explain what happened.
As he said, the final number of dead, the decisive number of injured, and motivation had not yet been confirmed.
He said: “Today we witnessed brutal and fatal violence against completely innocent people.
“This is the worst mass shooting in Sweden’s history. Many questions remain unprecedented, and I can’t provide those answers either.
“But it’s time to know what happened, how it happened, and what motivation was behind it. Don’t guess.”
Alex RossFebruary 5, 2025 03:15
On a painful day, the Prime Minister says while lamenting the shooting
Sweden’s prime minister lamenting the most deadly gun attack in the country’s history, calling it a “painful day.”
“It’s difficult to incorporate the complete scope of what happened today. It’s dark tonight in Sweden,” said Wolf Crysterson.
Karl 16th King Gustav also conveyed his pathetic DOL. “It’s a deep sadness and discouragement that my family and I received the news about the terrible atrocities of Olebro,” he said.
“We are standing with the Sweden people in this dark time,” said the European Commission’s President Ursla von del Reyenn, saying, “We are standing with the Swedish people in this dark time.”
Namita SinghFebruary 5, 2025 02:53
Members of Islamic organizations injured by attacks -local media reports
The Yothe Buri -based media outlet Expressen reports that the person who was damaged by shooting was a member of the Olebro Bosnia Slam Congress.
The newspaper has confirmed that Congress has injured a member of a non -profit organization security manager.
Expressen reports that he was a school student. He is taken to the hospital, where his condition is serious but stable.
Alex RossFebruary 5, 2025 02:00
President Ukraine Zerensky’s problem statement
Among the world leaders in response to Tuesday’s attack, Ukraine’s President Voldimil Zelensky.
He wrote in the social media:
“Our heart is directed to victims and loved ones, and on this painful day we will reunite with friend Sweden and reunites and share the pain of Sweden people. “

Alex RossFebruary 5, 2025 01:00
The school in orva will resume on Wednesday
Olebro’s school is open on Wednesday as usual after a large -scale shooting at Lisberguska School.
The adult education center remains closed.
Peter Larson, the mayor of Olebro municipalities, said that others were open for classes to help people gather in the wake of the crisis.
“We are doing as much as possible to prepare. When the students and staff return, we are loading the crisis and resources,” he said.
“Opening a school is our best evaluation. Then we can talk and provide it during the crisis time on site.
“I think it’s important to come with me. I don’t appreciate it as a threat.”
Alex RossFebruary 5, 2025 00:01
As the police confirmed the suspect among the deceased, 11 people died in school shooting
Sweden’s Daily Deygen Naihetel reported that 11 people in Sweden had died of the worst school shooting in the country’s history.
The law enforcement has proved that the suspect, who was not known to the police before the gunfire, was one of the dead.
“This is an unprecedented terrible event,” said Robert EID FOREST, the chief of örebrew.
Gustav KiranderFebruary 2025 23:44