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Sweden’s shooter, who slaughtered ten on Olebro’s school campus, was named 35 -year -old Rickard Anderson from Sweden media.
Anderson turns into a green military uniform in a school toilet and turns his gun himself before shooting at Lisbergus Cask.
The parent Relative explained that he was an unemployed recession of Anderson, and he reported that he had lived a lonely life and suffered from mental problems.
Anderson received four hunting rifles licenses and received documents from a Swedish National Service Agency.
The police’s sources also confirmed the name with Reuters News.
The King of Sweden and the Queen come after a strict SOLE visit to the worst place in Sweden.
King Karl XVI Gustav stood on the side of Queen Sylvia with a bright white flower on the monument between the site.
“It’s difficult to do the sad process alone,” King Karl told the reporters on the scene. “I think all of Sweden experienced this trauma event.”
Rickard Anderson: Who was the shooting suspect at a Swedish school that was accused of killing 10 people?
Gunman, behind Sweden’s worst shooting in history, was named 35 -year -old Rickard Anderson by Swedish media.
Police believe that the attacker turned his gun after slaughtering 10 people at the Olebro Lisbergus Cask Cool.
Anderson reported that the parent Relative was “lonely” and “it doesn’t seem to like people”, and Sweden’s outlet, Afton Bradet, reported. The outlet added that he suffered from mental health issues, had multiple hunting rifles licenses, and had been rejected repeatedly.
Read everything we know about the suspicious gunman Rickard Anderson:
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 16:58
Swedish media named Rickard Anderson as suspected of the shooter.
Sweden’s outlet, AFTONBLADET, has named a 35 -year -old Rickard Andersson as a suspect behind the massacre of Olebro schools.
The outlet reported that he lived a lonely life and suffered from mental problems.
Anderson received four hunting rifles licenses and received documents from a Swedish National Service Agency.
His parent Relative was also described by his parent Relative as “it doesn’t seem like people like it” and “lonely.”
Anderson turned into a green toilets in the school toilet, and was warmed with three guns and knives when he killed a terrible mass.
Police have not officially named the suspect, but the police have named him as Anderson of Reuters.

Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 16:35
Watch: Sweden’s shooting witness reminds me of a blurred blemish OTIC.
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 16:19
Photo: The royal family and politicians pay tribute in the Service formula

Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 15:53
Sweden’s Red Cross Society will intervene with the psychological support of örebro residents.
The Swedish Red Cross will provide people affected by Olebro, which will provide a psychological social report.
“This is painful for all stakeholders,” said Secretary Urrica Moder. “The case affects not only the directly affected people and their families, but also the wider community, including those who have evacuated and those who are interested in the safety of children.”
The Red Cross staff will be stationed in three places in the city to support those who need it.
“Experiencing anxiety and anxiety is a natural reaction. The most important thing is to show each other’s care and compassion,” said Modéer.
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 15:34
The royal family and the prime minister will participate in the Service ceremony
The King of Sweden and the Queen joined Wolf Crysterson in the Service style for those killed by Olbro’s shooting.
The Swedish Congress of the RIKSDAG party has also joined the Sai Nikolai Church.
Expressen reported that the silence for a minute continued to pray with the song before the miscells were illuminated.
“The sun is shining outside, but it’s dark in our hearts,” said the priest.

Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 15:14
Watch: The gloomy scene of Swedish royal family and Prime Minister visiting school shooting areas
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 14:46
Make the dead brighter öresundbridge
Orene Bridge, a 7.8km cable bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden, will brighten tonight to commemorate those killed by school massacre.
The bridge announced that “Special Mourning Light” decorates the bridge to commemorate the dead.
“The two pylons have disappeared, and the two pylons are illuminated by the Swedish flag.
The lighting starts at dusk on Wednesday and turns off on Thursday.
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 14:32
The suspicious Gunman relatives say that the 35 -year -old was “lonely” -report
Sweden’s suspected man, suspected of being behind Sweden’s worst mass shooting, was “lonely”, and his parent Relative told the Swedish media.
Police have not yet confirmed the deadly glue, believing that he had turned his gun on Tuesday afternoon.
“In recent years, I didn’t have much contact with him. He was different when he was a kid, but he did not vibrant. He did well at school. He told AFTONBLADET.
In recent years, he has added that he has not been very in contact with his recent family.
“He sometimes comes home, and it’s Christmas Eve or something else. His mother and dad are traveling a lot, so he usually takes care of their dogs. Spend a lot of time in their house, “they added.
Another parent Relative draws a similar picture: “He is protecting him a lot. He is lonely.”
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 14:16
See: The King of Sweden says that Sweden is “standing” the family of the victims of school shooting.
Alex CroftFebruary 5, 2025 14:07