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After the gunfire fired at the Swedish adult education center, the teacher talked about her fear.
11 people died at 12.33 local time on Tuesday at Risbergska School in öRebro, about 125 miles west of Stockholm.
Gunman, who was not known to the police and had no doubt about the connection with gangs and terrorism, said Roberto Eedeeste, the Olbro district police officer, in the deceased people.
Teachers and students talk about how to hear the gunshot when riding a shelter in a nearby building after an alarm occurs on the campus.
School teacher Maria Pegad, 54, said that a person opened the door to her classroom and shouted to everyone to get out.
“I took all 15 students to the corridor and started running,” she said. “Then I heard two shots, but we made it. We were near the entrance of the school. I saw people injured.
Wolf Kristerson said mass shooting was the worst in Sweden’s history. “We witnessed brutal and fatal violence against completely innocent people,” he said.
The school in orva will resume on Wednesday
Olebro’s school is open on Wednesday as usual after a large -scale shooting at Lisberguska School.
The adult education center remains closed.
Peter Larson, the mayor of Olebro municipalities, said that others were open for classes to help people gather in the wake of the crisis.
“We are doing as much as possible to prepare. When the students and staff return, we are loading the crisis and resources,” he said.
“Opening a school is our best evaluation. Then we can talk and provide it during the crisis time on site.
“I think it’s important to come with me. I don’t appreciate it as a threat.”
Alex RossFebruary 5, 2025 00:01
As the police confirmed the suspect among the deceased, 11 people died in school shooting
Sweden’s Daily Deygen Naihetel reported that 11 people in Sweden had died of the worst school shooting in the country’s history.
The law enforcement has proved that the suspect, who was not known to the police before the gunfire, was one of the dead.
“This is an unprecedented terrible event,” said Robert EID FOREST, the chief of örebrew.
Gustav KiranderFebruary 2025 23:44
“He was shooting in the corridor” -another student gives her account by attacking
A 43 -year -old woman studying at school talks about how to escape from shooting.
A woman, who only entered school three weeks ago, said that after hearing the shot, he ran away by running to the entrance of the school.
“He was shooting in the corridor. I don’t know if it was just a shooter. I felt that there were more people, I always had a shot. At first, it was indoors. The woman was shot and then shot outdoors, “she told Expressen.
Despite returning home, the woman returned to school on Tuesday night and lit a candle in the memories of the deceased people.

Alex RossFebruary 2025 23:40
“Locks the door and get on the floor” -Students talk about horror in the classroom
Swedish media talks with some of the people involved in the shooting at the Adult Education Center.
A 35 -year -old Helen Welm told Expressen that she was a small classroom when she heard the first shot.
“My teacher shouted,” I locked the door and got on the floor, “” said EHE.
“Just outside the door, the footsteps passed. He was very close, so you could hear him walking.”
Two hours later, she said that the armed police had entered the room.
“My stomach hurts. I’m still shaking,” said Wellme.
Olebro photos as a police are continuing to investigate

Alex RossFebruary 2, 2025 22:50
“Lonely” with weapon license -Sweden media report on suspect
When police investigate the worst mass shooting in Sweden, the country’s media reports the suspect.
Police say that the gunfire at the Adult Education Center believes that it is one of about 10 dead.
In a report on shooting, TV4 News stated that the suspect had a weapon license at the age of 35.
NEWS Outlet Expressen said the people who knew him was “lonely”.
Police believe that the shooter acted alone in the attack.
Alex RossFebruary 2, 2025 22:23
Police investigations that continue at night
As previously reported, the police started the investigation after being shot at the adult education center at 12:33 local time at 12:33.
According to local police, Gunman is considered to be among 10 dead.
A few hours after the attack, the police are still passing the crime scene and searching for some addresses in Olebro.
The officers remain outside the apartment.
“We saw many police with weapons,” said 42 -year -old Lingham Toy Maki living in the same building. “We were at home and heard a fuss outside.”

Alex RossFebruary 2, 2025 22:05
Complete report: “Fear” when 10 people, including Gunman, were shooting at school in Sweden
Students prayed under their desk, and the teacher was trapped in a Gunman -gun at the Swedish Adult Education Center, and sent a desperate text to loved ones when 10 were killed.
The armed police exchanged shots with the suspect at the Lisbergus Caskur, an adult campus in Olebro about 125 miles west of Stockholm.
A terrible attack, which was explained as the worst strike in the history of Sweden by Prime Minister Wolf Cryerson, was deployed on Tuesday after many students returned home after the national exam.
Read a complete report here:
Andy GregoryFebruary 20, 2025 20:44
The police attacked the suspect’s house
Police attacked the suspect’s house after shooting on Tuesday, but did not immediately reveal what they found.
Olebro’s district police chief said there was no warning sign before attacking and authorities were working to identify the deceased.
Andy GregoryFebruary 20, 2025 20:27
EU’s chief laments “really scary” violence in Sweden
Ursla von del Rayen, the European Commission, says the block is standing with the Swedish people.
Writing in X, Von Der Leyen states: Such violence and fear have no place in our society.
“We stand with the Swedish people in this dark time. Our ideas are the victims, and we hope they have strength and prompt recovery.”
Andy GregoryFebruary 4, 2025 20:10