“We in the US don’t have a massive shooting monopoly,” says James Alan Fox.

Swedish police have yet to identify the motives for the worst mass shooting in the country’s history.
The attack at the Orebro Adult Education Center claims 11 lives, including at least 11 attackers, and the injury to six is a tragic way that mass shootings are not confined to the US. That’s what I remember, according to a university criminologist in the northeast.
“We’ve seen massive mass shootings in Russia, Norway, the UK, Germany and other countries,” says James Alan Fox, a professor of research in criminology, law and public policy in the northeast. “We in the US don’t monopolize mass shootings, but certainly have more than a share.”
A study by Fox and his colleagues found that around 16% of the world’s massive shootings that did not include acts of political fear took place in the United States.
“We have 5% of the world’s population,” Fox says. “Therefore, 16% of mass shootings is about three times our share.”

Fox suspects that massive US shootings will affect similar tragedy in other countries.
“If that’s the case, we’ll eventually find shootings in close proximity to our country and then we’ll find shootings elsewhere,” Fox says. “It’s not necessarily a mimicry of what we had in Sweden.”
According to the Associated Press/USA Today/Northeastern University Mass Killing Database, the US experienced a 27% decline in mass shootings in 2024 with four or more victim deaths compared to the previous year.
“The last very large mass shooting in our country was in Lewiston, Maine more than a year ago,” Fox said of the shooting that killed 18 people in October 2023. Masu.
The world’s most deadly mass shootings have occurred outside the US in Pakistan, Kenya, France and Norway. Norway, New Zealand and Australia are among the countries that responded to massive shootings by enacting stricter gun laws.
“Australia essentially banned private ownership of guns,” Fox says of the response to the 1996 murders of 35 Tasmanians by semi-automatic rifle attackers. “They made nationwide buybacks and didn’t make another mass shooting for decades.
“But we are not Australia,” adds Fox. “We have a second amendment that makes stricter laws virtually impossible.”
The mass shootings at Orebro occurred despite strict Sweden gun laws. Gang violence is on the rise in Sweden, but Fox describes the tragedy as an outlier, focusing on the rate of firearms-related homicides per 100,000 people in Sweden.
In comparison, Massachusetts’ firearm-related homicide rate is 1.6 per 100,000 people, ranking Massachusetts among the safest states in the United States.
“Sweden’s rates are much lower than in Massachusetts,” Fox said. “These events happen elsewhere, but not to the same extent as what happens here.”
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