He is ordered as follows to protect economic freedom while promoting the authority given to me as the president and the United States’ law, and promoting US leadership in digital assets and financial technology.
Section 1. Purpose and policy. (A) The digital asset industry plays an important role in US innovation and economic development, as well as international leadership in the United States. Therefore, it is my management policy to support digital assets, blockchain technology, and relevant technology responsible growth and use for all sectors of the economy, including:
(I) The individual citizens and private sector entities who access and use for legal purposes open a public blockchain network without persecution and development of software, participate in mining and verification, and trade. To protect and promote the ability to open a public blockchain network that has no ability to do to maintain the independence of digital assets.
(II) Promote and protect US dollar sovereignty through the development and growth of stubcoin supported by legal and legal dollars around the world.
(III) Similar to individual citizens who comply with all laws and entities in the private sector, protect and promote fair and open access to bank services.
(IV) We provide a framework that explains the clarity and certainty of regulations built under the regulations of neutral technology, emerging technology, transparent decision -making, and clearly defined defined areas of regulations. Digital assets, no permission blockchain, and distributed ledger technology. and
(V) Measures to protect Americans from the risks of financial systems stability, individual privacy, and the risk of digital currency (CBDC) of central banks threatening US sovereignty. Use of CBDC in the jurisdiction of the United States.
Second 2. Definition. (A) For the purpose of this order, the term “digital assets” refers to digital expressions recorded in the diversified ledger containing cryptocurrency, digital token, and stub coins.
(B) The term “blockchain” means technology with data.
(I) Share with the entire network to create a transaction or information public ledger for the network participants.
(II) Links using encryption to maintain the perfection of the public ledger and execute other functions.
(III) Distribute to the network participant in an automated method and update the network participants at the same time related to the public ledger and other functions. and
(IV) It is composed of the published source code.
(C) “Central Bank’s Digital Currency” means the form of digital money or financial value derived in national accounts, that is, the direct responsibility of the central bank.
Second 3. The framework department of the Presidential Order 14067 and the Ministry of Finance on July 7, 2022. (A) The Presidential Order 14067 on March 9, 2022 (guarantee of a responsible development of digital assets) will be canceled.
(B) The Secretary of Finance has been instructed to immediately cancel the Ministry of Finance’s “International Relationships on Digital Assets” issued on July 7, 2022.
(C) All policies, commands, and guidance issued in accordance with the Presidential Ordinance 14067 have been withdrawn by the Finance Secretary as needed to withdraw the framework of the Ministry of Finance for international relations related to digital assets. I’m going to do it. It is inconsistent with the provisions of this order.
(D) The Secretary of Finance shall take all appropriate measures to secure the policy specified in this order.
Second 4. Established a working group of the president on the digital asset market. (A) This was founded in the National Economic Council of the President’s Working Group (working group) about the digital asset market (working group). The working group shall be the chairman of the special advisor of AI and Crypto. In addition to the chair, the working group includes the next official or its nominated.
(I) Secretary of Finance.
(II) Justice Secretary.
(III) Secretary of Commerce.
(IV) Secretary of Land Security.
(V) Director of the Management Budget Bureau.
(VI) Assistant of the President of the National Security issue.
(VII) Assistant of the National Economic Policy (APEP).
(VIII) President of science and technology.
(IX) National land security advisor.
(X) Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission. and
(XI) Chair of product futures trading
(XII) In conjunction with the appropriate and applied method, the chairman may invite other executive departments, institutions (institutions), or other senior officials of the President’s executive bureau, and attend a working group meeting. can. Relationship between their expertise and responsibilities.
(B) Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other related organizations (its heads are included in the working group and all regulations shall be identified. Other items that affect guidance documents, orders, or digital asset sectors, will each of the specified regulations, guidance documents, or other items? It shall submit the recruitment of items other than the regulations.
(C) Within 180 days of this order, the working group shall submit a report to the President through APEP, which recommends regulations and legislative proposals established by this order. In particular, the report is focused on the following.
(I) Working groups shall propose a federal regulation framework to manage and manage digital assets, including StableCoins in the United States. Working group reports shall be examined for market structure, monitoring, consumer protection, and risk management.
(II) Working Group evaluates the potential creation and maintenance of national digital asset stockpiling, and establishes potentially derived stockpiling from the cryptocurrencies legally seized by the federal government through law enforcement efforts. We shall propose standards.
(D) Chair shall specify the executive director of the work group. Working groups are responsible for adjusting daily functions. Regarding issues that affect national security, the working group shall consult the National Security Council.
(E) In line with the law, the working group will hold public hearings and receive individual expertise from digital assets and digital market leaders.
Second 5. Prohibition of digital currency in central banks.
(A) Except for the scope required by the law, institutions are prohibited here to take measures to establish, issue, or promote CBDCs in the United States or overseas jurisdiction.
(B) Except for the range required by the law, planning or initiative in an institution related to the creation of CBDC in the jurisdiction of the United States shall be immediately terminated, and further measures for such development or implementation. Can not be taken. Plan or initiative.
Second 6. Graduated. (A) If it is determined that the application of the clause or the provisions to the individual or the situation is invalid, the remaining part of this order and its provisions are applied to other people or situations. It is not affected by.
Second 7. General rules. (A) This order is not interpreted as damaging or having any other impact.
(I) Authories given to the executive department, organization, or their responsible person by the law. or
(II) Director of management related to budget, management, or legislative proposals and the director of the budget bureau.
(B) This order is implemented in line with the applied law and shall be in accordance with the availability of spending.
(C) This order does not intend to implement the right or equity or fairly executed by the parties to the United States, their departments, institutions, organizations, their executives, and employees, and the right or profitable rights or profits. , Do not create. Or an agent or other person.
White house,
January 23, 2025.