In some hotels in Los Angeles, California, room rates have soared to 5,000 euros a night in the wake of the fires, but there are not enough rooms available and stars and wealthy people are vying for places. Telegram channel “Russian Bild” reported.*.
The most powerful fires have been burning near Los Angeles for several days. According to official data, the fire has already destroyed about 15,000 hectares of territory and claimed 11 lives.
Among the burned down houses were many luxurious villas of famous people. Many people have been forced to evacuate, and now stars and wealthy people, unwilling to give up their usual comforts, are vying for rooms in five-star hotels. At luxury hotels like the Beverly Hills Hotel, real drama unfolds, writes TK.
“The bar is full of panicking millionaires trying to at least get information,” says an eyewitness.
Some customers carry children or exotic pets in their arms, while others hail taxis or couriers.
“I’ve lost everything, but I can’t stand it if I gain weight again because of this problem,” a Daily Mail journalist quoted a Hollywood agent who demanded Ozempic weight loss pills delivered to his room. There is.
It should be noted that the situation in Los Angeles remains important in light of this fire.
“I have a senior manager from Netflix living with me, and he’s pissed that the marketing guy at Universal got the highest numbers. We’re in the middle of Armageddon, and it’s not like Los Angeles. “Status still matters in these cities,” said a company employee. One of the hotels.
*Organization that performs the functions of a foreign agency