Slippery Rock University’s online Bachelor’s Competition Program is ranked best nationwide by the US News & World Report.
January 24, 2025
Pencil Benia’s Slippery Rock -Slippery Rock University was recognized on the four lists of the US News & World Report online program in the publication of 2025’s best online program rankings.
SRU ranked 132nd in the best online bachelor’s program, which is listed in a regional certified institution that provides an online degree completion program. SRU offers eight online bachelor’s completion programs in accounting, healthcare management and management, leadership research, liberal arts, management, marketing, nursing and charitable activities, and non -profit management.
US News has evaluated about 1,780 online degree programs based on overall academic ability. Only the online degree program from entry to completion was only included.
The US news ranking evaluates online programs in seven fields that get a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. The SRU was also found on the list of Best Online Bachelor’s Business (No. 104), Best Online Master’s In Education (NO. 163), and Best Online MBA (NO. 272-355).
This publication evaluated online college based on the following four categories.
Engagement (35 %) referring to the degree of promoting participation by making it possible for students to effectively interact with instructors and classmates because degree programs can be performed in the campus environment.
Services and technologies (25 %) focus on how the program incorporates a variety of technology that allows students to complete the course work far away. This category also considers the quality of student support services, career guidance, and fiscal assistance resources.
Teacher qualifications and training (20 %). The degree of online instructor qualifications reflects the qualifications of teachers on the campus. This category also measures the effectiveness of the resources used to train instructors to teach distance learners.
The peer evaluation (20 %) is based on a high -level academic staff survey to explain intangible factors that affect the quality of programs that are not captured by statistics.
Each program was evaluated in the above categories, and the ranking was calculated using data reported in US News in statistical and Pier Leopulation Survey.
Links to SRU rankings are available on the US News & World Report Website. For more information about SRU online programs, see the SRU website.
Media Contact: Justinzacal | 724.738.4854 | Justin.zackal@sru.edu