Spirit airlines have rejected another acquisition tender from the frontier, as Reuters reported earlier. Submission to the Securities and Exchange Committee was called the Spirit called Frontier transaction, compared to the $ 2.9 billion contract thrown in 2022.
As shown in a series of e -mails published in filing, Frontier first submitted a “persuasive proposal” and purchased a spirit on January 7 with a $ 2.1 billion transaction. However, Spirit CEO Ted Christie and Board Chair Mac Gardner replied that the advisor to the spirit bond holder “I believe that your current proposal is so insufficient to be worth the counter.” Ta.
After some of the two companies, the spirit ultimately refused to offer, supporting the existing reorganization plan. “I am grateful for your continuous interest and share your views on potential transaction logic, but the conditions for January 7 (not improved in the past three weeks) are insufficient. It is invalid, “Christie and Gardner said in January. 28th email.