Long Island – Residents of Avalon Bay, a luxury apartment complex in Amityville, Long Island, say they have been dealing with a series of disruptions caused by false fire alarms for more than a year.
One resident, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, said he was terminating his lease after enduring repeated false alarms.
“They advertise it as a luxury apartment when it’s literally a pain to live here,” she says.
FOX 5 first reported last month that the Amityville Fire Department had received more than 20 calls regarding false alarms since last August.
Avalon Bay initially maintained that the system was working as designed, but recent incidents have raised new concerns. Last Friday, smoke from the heating unit filled the apartment, but the resident claims the fire alarm did not go off.
“Avalon has a responsibility to provide us with safe housing, but given the current state of alert, that is not the case right now,” the woman who broke her lease told FOX 5. “The scary thing is that people don’t come out. In my case, it was real and I had to knock on the door to get everyone out.”
She says the alarm has already been replaced, but her concern is whether it will still work.
Amityville Mayor Dennis Silly told FOX 5 that the village fire department is checking the system weekly and is in contact with building management to resolve the issue.
“We can’t drive them out of town,” said Cirie. “They’re here. We’re going to work it out. As long as they deal with it, that’s what we want.”
But resident Scott Cackett says he is losing hope and is looking for another place to live.
“No matter what we say or do, it doesn’t seem to get resolved,” he said.
Avalon Bay told FOX 5 there have been three incidents since the last article, but there were no flaws in the system.