Hamas militants carry grenade launchers at the funeral of Marwan Issa, the deputy Hamas commander, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike during the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Polished Transmission System Operator PSE (Polskie Sieci Energetyczne) drone lands after monitoring a portion of the power line, which is part of the route of Litpol, the Polish-Lithuanian interconnection, at the Elkbis substation near Elk, Poland.

Protesters are protesting Thames Water’s bid to approve the restructuring plan at the London High Court in the UK.

The Bank of England building is seen on the day of interest decisions in London, UK.

“Mahira Batuk” will perform “Ganga Aarti” on the shores of Sangam at the ongoing “Maha Kumbh Mera” festival in Praderaj, Uttar Pradesh.

The followers gather to see a replica of the Ayodaya Ram temple during the Mahakam Mela, which is currently underway in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
Released on February 8, 2025, 00:18 IST