Fortin Trimble
Employment, promotion, reservation
Andrew Fortin-Trimble has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Chief Bank Officer at Skowhegan Savings Bank. He was hired as Vice President and Director of Marketing in 2020 and was promoted to the Bank’s Senior Management Team in 2023 as Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer.


Marco Stigling has been promoted to Vice President and Housing Lending Manager at Kennebec Savings Bank. He joined the bank in 2021 as a residential and consumer lender and was promoted to Vice President in 2023 to Housing and Consumer Lending Manager.
Kate McKelligot has been appointed president and CEO of the Pine Tree Society. She was previously a manager and strategist at the Center for Learner Equity in New Orleans.



Maine’s Ronald McDonald House Charity has added three new members to its board of directors. Jennifer Flynn, medical director of Cape Integrated Health. Brian Fournier, WEX expert. Neonatologist Gina Tlakimowich, Vice President of Maine Neonatology Associates and Medical Director/Board Member of Mother Milk Bank Northeast.


Corrie Brown and Cynthia Curry have been added to Spurwink’s board of directors. Brown is a master-level social worker, certified prevention specialist and most recently served as vice-chairman of the board of directors of Tri-County Mental Health Services. Curry is the director of the National Center for Accessible Digital Educational Materials and Teaching at Utah State University’s Institute for Disability Research, Policy and Practice.
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