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Check out how I made an entire Easter basket for $10 with Walmart Easter Basket Filler!
Scoop up all Easter basket fillers and scoop up these Easter basket fillers all under $1! They are all things your kids love and use – gorgeous toys, fun pens, sidewalk chalk, foam, and more.
I’m affirming that many of these items will sell out quickly, so consider adding them to your next Walmart+delivery order or heading straight into the store.
Grab the basket + 9 filler and create a $10 Easter basket.
It’s only $10.22 for everything – such a cute Easter surprise!
Over 20 cheap filler chicks I found, all under a dollar…
Walmart has an Easter basket worth about $1!
Don’t stress, we have all the best Easter deals, recipes and DIYs in one place!
About the author:
Chelsea is an author and photographer with a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Arizona State University. She has over three years of blogging experience as well as hip2save as well as a variety of other publications in the health, lifestyle and education fields.