The shorthand for what was once known as “Awakened” as “Political Correctness,” promotes progressive politics based on complaints that have caused great damage to American politics, filling young minds with historical nonsense. New York Times 1619 Projectreading our entire national history through the lens of slavery, the original sin of America, it was the platonic form of drinking that fake American stories. It poisoned the school’s curriculum and took on the politics of racebait following the murder of George Floyd.
Unfortunately, when the complaint politics appeared to be lacking in gas on the American left, it manifested in revenge on American rights. Slogans like “We’ve Broken” distort the record of the most successful Peacekeeping Security Architecture (NATO) ever created and provide coverage of tariffs that could destroy the world’s most successful economic growth engine. And in the form of social media mobs, right-wing complaint politics is surprisingly similar to the cancel culture on the left.
It’s not that the complaints are not real. Some are and have a moral obligation to deal with and improve them. However, the politics of complaints inevitably leads to the dissolution of the political community – or, in disbelief, it makes it difficult to form a political community.
Why couldn’t Palestinians form and maintain an autonomous political community that could create peace? As my friend, the late Arabist Fuuad Ajami Put it down In 2001, “A long, dark winter came down on the Arabs… (who) was dumped into their own most malignant hatred.” And so, “nothing grows in the middle between the political order with the dictators and the group given to perennial escape with the dictators.”
Why does China want global hegemony rather than adapting its dynamic and creative population to a peaceful and prosperous world order? Part of the answer lies in Xi Jinping’s personal Maoist demon. However, those demons have been told that XI and other Chinese communist leaders have “A century of humiliation. “So politics based on the complaint of the People’s Republic of China creates a Draconian system of technologically sophisticated social control that has been married to international attacks.
Then there’s Russia. Vladimir Putin’s war on the West is most evident in his brutal invasion of Ukraine. But before (and in) challenged the good sense of world affairs, Putin began a hybrid war that was swarming from addiction to global intelligence spaces, leading up to cutting communications cables in the Baltic Sea that killed political enemies who sought evacuation in the West. All of that is Justification In terms of historical Russian dissatisfaction equivalent to “We Don’t Respect”, the collapse of the Soviet Union – coupled with KGB-Man Putin’s strange belief that the worst storm in history was the biggest Geopolitical disasters 20th century.
A contrast between these examples of complaints-based, often fatal politics with Tuskegee aviators.
For a long time I had deep respect for these first African-American military aviators who overcame racial stereotypes and prejudices over the centuries to become a successful fighter pilot in World War II. People who watched the movie Tuskegee Airmen and Red tail You cannot applaud what these heroic men endure to serve their country in the US Army Air Force. They won not through the politics of complaints, but by following the motto of “going up”; This did not refer to flying the P-51, which outweighed the B-17 they protected from the Luftwaffe, but rose above the heartless racism that at least hurt racists as much as it hurt the victims of prejudice.
Public life in America today would be significantly improved if awakened, maga-obsessed people adopt Tuskegee airline chants. Red tail: “Nothing is difficult/Everything is a challenge/Adversity to the stars.”
The central social doctrine principles of solidarity teach us that autonomous democracy can only be maintained by a broadly shared sense of civic friendship and mutual responsibility. The Americans crossed the political spectrum from the MAGA to wake up, and rushed to help their neighbors when Hurricane Helen abolished western North Carolina. If our civil servants gather support for the proposed policy and appeal to the spirit rather than the devil of complaints, that would be useful.