The new memo from the Human Resources Management Bureau recommends that federal government agencies re -classify the position of the highest information officer.
Specifically, with a new designation, the highest information manager will function as a “general” employee, not an “career reserve” employee. According to OPM, general employees can be satisfied by various people, such as “career, non -career, limited term, or limited emergency situation” appointment. On the other hand, a carrier is assumed that the reserved position is fair and can only be satisfied by the appointment of the career.
The memo claims that CIO is increasingly useful for policy -based positions, given that it focuses on issues such as artificial intelligence, cyber security, and machine learning. This document claims that re -categorizing positions can help CIO’s potential human resource pools.
Nevertheless, this movement seems to focus on the government to facilitate outsiders from the potential industries related to the high -tech industry and the Iron Mask. efficiency.
The memo says: “If you choose a policy for which the agency CIO will prioritize or repay which of these topics will be prioritized, or which topics will be focused or repaid, CIO will determine the government’s policy in an important way. “
“But modern agencies are not just engineers, scientists, or technoclatoes. He writes complex code lines, sets a safe network, and other” highly technical “tasks. I do not spend the days of running. Instead, he creates and implements policies, and sets and deploy a budget based on the priority of the government. ”
This movement reflects the actions of President Donald Trump to re -establish schedule F, making it much easier to dismiss career civil servants.
In response to the memo, one federal CIO tells Fedscoop: With the change of each administration, they evaluate those priority and adjust their activities to ensure success. “
CIO continues as follows: “On the other hand, there are many agencies CIOs who have served as a crusader for more powerful concentration of technical resources to promote deep cost efficiency.
Currently classified as a senior executive service and has a CIO designated as a career reserve, it is required to send e -mails to re -specify the position to the general public by February 14. Masu.