MVSB Fund grant applications are due October 15th

STATEWIDE — Local nonprofits interested in applying for grant funding from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s MVSB (Meredith Village Savings Bank) Fund can do so by Oct. 15. Applications and instructions can be accessed online at .
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s MVSB Fund was established in 1997 under the leadership of then-bank president and CEO John Starrett to make grant-based contributions to nonprofit organizations that enrich and improve the quality of life for residents living in the bank’s service area.
“We recognize the important role local nonprofits play in strengthening our communities,” said MVSB Chairman and MVSB Fund Committee Member Marcus Weeks. “This fund is a critical tool to help nonprofits expand their programs, take on needed projects, and continue their important work.”
Since the Foundation’s inception, more than 500 grants have been awarded, totaling more than $2 million, to a wide range of environmental, social, educational and historical projects throughout New Hampshire.
The MVSB Foundation has supported literacy and after-school programs, environmental monitoring, historic restoration, organizations that help individuals and families in difficult situations, and life-saving equipment. While not focusing on a particular area, fund managers are mindful of the organizations they support and the contributions they make to the quality of life in the communities they serve.
Grants, typically ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, are awarded to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and public agencies based in the Lake District, Plymouth and Seacoast areas. Supported projects must be a high priority and high need for the applicant organization, relevant to its mission or development, demonstrate a clear and actionable plan with service, engagement and outcome goals, leverage other funding and/or voluntary support, show evidence that project goals will be achieved within the grant period, and demonstrate collaboration and partnerships with other organizations to create a greater impact in the community.
For more information and to apply, visit
Maine’s Best Places to Work Recognize Partners Bank as Top Employer for 2024
SANFORD, Maine – For the third year in a row, Partners Bank has been named one of Maine’s “Best Companies to Work For.”
According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center, only about 51% of American adults are satisfied with their jobs. Factors contributing to this low percentage include relationships with coworkers and managers, day-to-day tasks, opportunities for advancement and growth, training, compensation, etc. According to multiple sources, including Harvard Business Review, job satisfaction is a strong indicator of an individual’s happiness.
How do the remaining 49% of U.S. adults find job satisfaction? To research and recognize employers who contribute to employee happiness, Best Companies Group, a BridgeTower Media brand, created the Maine Best Places to Work Awards. Their goal is to help companies evaluate, enhance and promote their work environment and culture, and the Best Places to Work program is one way to do this.
To be eligible for the Best Places to Work in Maine award, organizations must meet certain business criteria, such as having a minimum of 15 full- or part-time employees and being in business for at least one year. However, winning the award depends on employee feedback. All Partners Bank employees were surveyed about their thoughts and feelings about the organization’s leadership, company culture, communication, their role within the organization, work environment, relationships with their direct managers, training and development, and pay and benefits. The anonymous survey was conducted by Best Companies Group, allowing employees to respond honestly. Partners Bank received high scores in all categories and was recognized as one of the best places to work in Maine.
“All of us at Partners Bank are proud to be included in this elite group of top employers. We all contribute to making a difference in the lives of our employees as well as our customers,” said Blaine Boudreau, president and CEO. “For the past three years, we have participated in the Maine Great Place to Work program and won all three times. In today’s world, where people demand more and better from their companies and employers, it is an honor to have our values and culture consistently recognized by our employees.”
The awards ceremony will be held at the Augusta Civic Center on Oct. 8 and will reveal the rankings of Maine’s Best Places to Work for 2024. Partners Bank’s ranking will also be announced at that time.