Sports Update (Photo Illustration/Metro Creech Be Connection)
Movta Meeting
The Mid-Ohio Valley Tennis Association (Movta) will be holding a tennis meeting on Wednesday, March 26th at 6pm. The meeting will be held at Panera, where spring/summer activities are discussed.
Worthington Men’s Golf Association
Worthington Senior Men’s Golf Association will begin its season at Worthington Golf Club with breakfast at 10am on Monday, April 7th.
Breakfast is for registration of current and new members. As of April 7th, at least 55 new members wishing to join the league must be at least 55.
League play is available every Monday from April 14th to September 25th. The league fee for the season is $50. Golfers are also being asked to bring two cans of food for breakfast, for the league’s annual donation to the local food pantry.
For more information, see the invoice at 304-483-7305 or Jeff at 740-516-0881.