Coral Gables, Florida. (WSVN) – A 12-year-old boy trapped in a difficult cancer battle lived his dream of being around the coolest and rarest car on the planet, thanks to Florida chairs and the chairs of the chairs.
The engine cried Sunday at this make-a-wish moment at Coral Gables after Luca Bojanic travelled all the way from Las Vegas to South Florida.
Bojanik said he wasn’t sure if he could get a chance to be so crowded on these gorgeous rides.
“It was probably a dream. I don’t think it would come true, but it was,” he said.
Bojang has fought many years of battle with cancer. The 12-year-old received two surgeries and intense chemotherapy.
With his passion for classic cars and travel, his wish was to see some of the actual cars.
Make-A-Wish accomplished this wish and helped the boy head to Coral Gables for the Modern Amami event.
“We see a lot of dream cars, one of the best cars, and the best events in the US, the best events,” Bojanik said.
Bojanik’s experience was enhanced by rare car collector Dennis Crawley.
This was Crawley’s fourth time.
“For me, it’s always been that way. Cars have always been part of my life, especially the supercar,” he said. “I’ve been very blessed. I have a very wonderful collection of some rare cars, supercars. It’s really great to be able to share it with these kids and see their passion, knowledge.”
Treated as a VIP, Bojanik even stepped into some of the hot rods.
When he celebrates remission, Bojanik is grateful to take a valuable victory lap.
“I thought about it and I didn’t believe it was going to happen, but I think it was really amazing what it did,” he said.
Bojanic’s best friend, Greyson, also took part in seeing a special showcase.
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