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Great savings in this little teek coupe!
Until March 29th, zoomed to Target.com and zoomed in on this cozy coupe of this little Tikes, shipping for $38.99 for 20% off Select Little Tikes and $50 toy purchase circle offer.
And don’t forget, Target’s Circle Card Holder will get an additional 5% off!
Please don’t take this deal…
Little Teak Cozy Coupe $54.99
Select Little Tikes Circle offers 20% less
$50 off to $10 toy purchase circle offer
Final cost $38.99 shipping!
The tiny teek coupe recommended for children aged 18 months to 5 years has been a childhood favorite for generations. It provides children with a fun, strong foot ride that stimulates their imagination. Featuring bright colors, a sturdy design and well-maintained wheels, it is perfect for both indoor and outdoor adventures.
Don’t miss out on great deals on these other hot toys!
About the author:
Misty has written professionally and has created engaging and useful content online in a variety of niches for over 15 years. When she isn’t helping her curate the latest and greatest deals on HIP2Save, she’s either working on a DIY home project, rewatching her favorite TV series, or traveling.