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Costco is known for its cheap bulk items, but it’s not necessarily synonymous with luxury goods. A practical shopping spot that sells daily necessities and groceries. However, from time to time, more luxurious items appear in the warehouse and excite the members. From time to time, luxurious jewelry, wine and caviar decorate the shelves. Costco’s candy aisle is full of Hershey’s products and Oreos, but you’ll find top-notch quality products. In fact, when we tested and ranked 10 Costco candy products, Kirkland Signature Belgian Fine Chocolate came out on top.
This gourmet chocolate box contains 46 indulgent chocolates to sample, from coffee caramel to hazelnut cream. The taste of the chocolate itself is of very high quality, regardless of the type. White, dark, milk, all delicious. The filling tastes like real ingredients, not artificial flavors.
Many boxes of chocolate have as many undesirable varieties as good ones, but everything in this box is delicious. To be honest, you can choose any chocolate without looking at the description and you’ll probably be happy with your choice.
Read more: We tasted 10 chocolate sauce brands and ranked them from worst to best
Characteristics of Kirkland Signature Belgian premium chocolate
Costco Chocolate Box – Kristi Blokhin/Shutterstock
Priced at about $30, this is one of the best holiday chocolates at the grocery store. It also has the best chocolate truffle filling. It has the right combination of uniqueness and charm. You’ll find fruity flavors like dark chocolate with strawberry paste and spicy orange cardamom filling covered in dark chocolate, as well as classic flavors with a bit of a premium feel, like milk chocolate with brownie ganache. This box makes a great gift, but be sure to get one (or two!) for yourself! You are worth it!
We recommend eating one at a time to enjoy each flavor more. But if you’re itching to find a more creative way to use it up, try grating one or two cocoa beans or pure Gianduja chocolate into a cup of steamed milk. This surprising kitchen tool makes your hot chocolate even richer. Chill for 15 minutes before grating to avoid melting.
Read the original article on Tasting Table.