Tokyo (AP) – Foreign ministers of Japan, China and South Korea reaffirmed the importance of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and sought a common position in regions, including aging, low birth rates, natural disasters and cultural exchanges at a meeting held during the height of tensions.
At a joint press conference after the consultation, the Japanese Foreign Minister said that his Chinese counterpart, King and South Korean Choyulu, agreed to the need to tackle the multi-generational concerns shared to promote mutual understanding and gain wider support for trilateral cooperation.
Iwaya highlighted concerns as a regional threat about North Korea’s nuclear and missile development and cooperation with Russia, and emphasized the importance of pursuing full denuclearization of the North as a resolution by the UN Security Council.
Iware repeatedly denounced Japan’s refutation of Russia’s Ukrainian war, adding that the world has no place for a one-sided attempt to forcefully change the status quo, a subtle message about China’s increasing assertion in the region.
Wang said China supports the formation of mutual regional economies and proposed further efforts to achieve the economic framework of the three countries. He said trilateral cooperation in a variety of areas, including technology, climate exchange and other issues, “will serve as an important driver for East Asia’s cooperation.”
Saturday’s meeting focuses on planning the Trilateral Leadership Summit later this year amid growing political and economic uncertainty at home and a challenge from US President Donald Trump.
The tripartite meeting is an achievement for Japan, with historical and territorial conflicts with both China and South Korea. Last year, a previous trilateral conference was held in Korea.
After a four-and-a-half year break due to the pandemic, Cho, who chaired the country’s first summit, said the ongoing global crisis has made trilateral cooperation more important than ever, and it is important to maintain their positive flow.
He said their cooperation is particularly important as the world faces tensions and divisions, and cooperation in areas with common challenges sets a good model for global cooperation.
Later on Saturday, delegations from Japan and China were to meet separately to hold their first high-level economic dialogue since April 2019. Iwaya and Wang will also hold separate bilateral meetings with the CHO.
US allies Japan and South Korea are rapidly improving their ties as they share mutual concerns about China’s growing threat in the region.
Tokyo and Beijing agreed in December to improve relations despite differences, including a dispute over a group of deserted islands that they advocate in December, as well as China’s territorial disputes with other countries in the South China Sea.
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