Reliance Retail, led by Mukesh Ambani and his daughter Isha Ambani, is transforming India’s luxury retail industry. The company plans to bring six global brands to the Indian market in 2024, making luxury shopping more accessible to consumers. Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, has already brought international luxury brands such as Versace, Armani, Balenciaga and Boss to India through Reliance Retail.
Since Isha Ambani took over in 2022, she has expanded the company’s presence in the global luxury retail sector. In 2024, SMCP Group will debut brands such as Old Navy, Armani Café, Shein, Asos, Sandro & Maje in India. These brands are available both online through platforms like Ajio and offline at Jio World Plaza in Mumbai, the country’s premier luxury shopping destination.
Jio World Plaza, located in Mumbai’s Bandra Kuala Complex (BKC), is designed to be the ultimate hub for luxury consumers. The expansive plot worth Rs 840,000 showcases Reliance’s commitment to luxury retail. The six global brands entering India under Ambanis’ leadership cater to a wide range of consumer needs.
Isha’s impact on luxury retail
Old Navy offers trendy and affordable apparel, while Armani Café offers a sophisticated dining experience. Asos and Shein target digitally savvy shoppers with stylish, budget-friendly clothing, while SMCP Group’s Sandro and Maje appeal to discerning luxury shoppers.
Isha Ambani’s influence extends beyond luxury retail, leading Reliance Retail’s diversification into various industries. She introduced platforms like Tira Beauty, AJIO, and more. Tira Beauty offers a mix of local and international beauty products, while Hamleys continues to fascinate Indian families with its wide range of toys.
AJIO, a leading e-commerce platform, offers a mix of global and domestic fashion brands. Freshpik combines international brands with local products in the premium grocery sector and Reliance Smart is rapidly expanding across India. Netmeds by Reliance Retail is a trusted online pharmacy offering medicines and wellness products.
Under the joint vision of Isha and Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Retail is more than just a retail giant, it is a transformative force in India’s lifestyle and consumer sector. Their efforts are making global luxury goods more accessible to Indian consumers and reshaping the country’s retail landscape.