At this time, attempted assassination, abdication, a crazy clown victory against Camala Kumbaya in the national election, the collapse of the New York Yankees, huge hurricanes and fires around the world, a comet that was too comfortable, and so on. It was a busy time with even summer time.
These changes are not only surprising, but also unpredictable changes, and the change accelerates over time. In all of these, where is the comfort of science, the truth and time convenience?
Recently, science, engineering, and water literature have been attacked by conspiracy theories and climate change denials, because some of the tops do not believe in science or science.
Science is not a matter of religion, but a matter of facts, and many of them have no discussion. Science is usually strict and predictable. Science is operated by the clear rules and laws of the universe, so the legal and political systems look a whimsical and whimsical thing. Science is the best way to explain how things actually work.
I’m a scientist, a civil engineer, a water literary scholar, shit. I am a hobby economist, part -time geologists, and amateur spacecritiders. That’s me and what I’m doing. I think it is my duty to share what I know, learn, and love it in a way that can be fun to understand.
I believe that both us and the children need more science than ever. That time is about to come. In this constantly changing world, the time is not constant, and it is a product that cannot be bought or sold, and we are using it.
Objective scientists such as Dr. Hawkings and Fineman say today’s biggest problem is that the population growing is the basis for the market economy, water, natural resources, and human industries. He says that there is something.
The earth is already beyond capacity. Our climate tends to go downhill, which can be hot and hotter than Venus (Hana 451 degrees). Our technology is so advanced that the computer may soon become smarter than us and take over it. We cannot even turn off the smartphone, not just artificial intelligence.
The rich and wise people are trying to find a way to migrate or travel between other planets and 11 million dimensions (part of them is an imaginary thing), but that’s not a good sign.
Water represents our climate, natural resources, and how to save and distribute them, or how to use them in a way to waste while knowing that they are finite. It is a visible metaphor.
With the tragedy of Commons and the nature of human beings, we are going to receive more than our share in fear of being deceived. The devil may take a rest.
We are constantly splitting lakes and rivers on paper, but we are wondering why moist water remains. We pump the groundwater until it runs out, but we are wondering why the water layer collapses and the ground sinks. Invisible, out of my heart. Farms and golf courses have been closed for cooling water from Amazon and AI computer centers.
We make a waste of subsidies and encourage excessive use that does not support general welfare and public interests. This is not a conservation or communism, but a Western water law and economics that are actually accepted. Whether to use, lose, waste, or taste. First time, right, first in the bank.
In contrast to climate change and the decrease in supply, which worsens due to long -term drought, our infinite thirst and explosive growth cause infinite water demand. Our answers are technically bent and rely on apps, accounting, weighing and monitoring, smoke and mirrors, deeper wells, long -sized waterways, and larger dams.
Alternatively, search for other places that can steal water, such as the sea, iceberg, moon, Mars, extra planets, and another universe. In the name of life and in the name of time, the first thing we always seek is water.
However, if something is free, such as water, pollution, internal climate, outer space, free time and coins, people will not evaluate it.
Is it ironic to save water and clean air, protect the climate, and to rely on a fair market to protect outer space, or is this the last good chance?
People do nothing without incentives, disinstations, candy and whip, and market power. So how to waste water is economically expensive, clean air is truly valuable, and how do you make the climate and the universe responsible for the public?
Ask politicians, businessmakers, and economists in this crazy age, and ask that it is money to change everything, and the only important thing is change. Just don’t ask a scientist. You may not like the inconvenient truth or hurry timing.
Matt Lindon is a resident of the Snaderville basin.