New York Gov. Cathy Hochul signed a bill requiring health insurance companies to cover EpiPens and capping consumers’ out-of-pocket costs at $100, her office announced Thursday.
EpiPen devices are designed to prevent allergic reactions for people who are at risk of, or have a history of, anaphylaxis caused by insect stings or stings, food, drugs, environmental exposure, exercise, or other unknown causes. used.
According to the governor’s office, EpiPen prices are outpacing inflation, with some reports saying prices have increased by 600% since 2007. EpiPens used to cost $60 each, but now sell for more than $600 per pack. of two pens. Under the new law, health insurance companies in the individual and group markets, including nonprofit insurers and HMOs, will cover medically necessary EpiPens. The state Legislature passed the bill in May.
“For people with severe allergies, having ready access to an EpiPen device can be the difference between life and death,” Hochul said in a statement. “When every second counts, the number one thing New Yorkers should worry about is whether they can afford the medicine they need to survive an anaphylactic reaction. By signing this bill, we are putting people above profits. We will give New Yorkers peace of mind by ensuring equitable access to priority, lifesaving emergency care.”