Remove dry, cracked skin on your feet with Grace & Stella Foot Masks!
Run to Amazon for a limited time only or while supply continues, run away for $6.96 and run away for $6.96 when you choose to subscribe and save this Grace & Stella Foot Peeling Mask 2 Pair Pack for under $6.96 please!
They give your feet the right spa treatment after a long day:
Designed with 17 vegan and abuse-free natural ingredients, these highly rated foot peeling masks effectively remove callus, softens and exfoliates dry skin, and moisturizes your feet.
Check out these reviews…
I used one of these a few days ago. I bought a 4 pack here and am happy. They are one of the best I’ve used. They are quick and efficient. It’s worth the money! -hip Reader, Cindylouwhooo
This mask is incredible. I used it on Sunday and by Thursday my feet were already peeling off. Some tips: Use this in seasons when wearing socks and closed shoes. I specifically soaked my feet in warm water before putting on the mask and I was very happy. It kept my feet warm and I added socks on top so I left my boots on. An hour later I rinsed my legs and immediately my skin felt really tight. Within a day, I was already seeing my skin beginning to crack. I shower every day and soak my feet as suggested at night. I have not experienced itching but I feel really dry before the skin falls off. Otherwise, peel the skin so that it takes a while. During the soaking, I used a Korean fabric to help it fall off, but that doesn’t mean that everything falls just for a day.
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