(Photo Dunlap) Bob Ferenbach House of Representatives (Republican Wood) is a Parker’s Burg Regional Community Foundation (PACF) held at the Parker’s Berg Country Club in Vienna 2025 He served as a speaker and talked about the need for good childcare. As a means that can attract companies into the state and create employment.

(Photo Dunlap) Bob Ferenbach House of Representatives (Republican Wood) is a Parker’s Burg Regional Community Foundation (PACF) held at the Parker’s Berg Country Club in Vienna 2025 He served as a speaker and talked about the need for good childcare. As a means that can attract companies into the state and create employment.
Vienna -State Council stated on Friday that developing a good childcare environment could lead to economic development.
Bob Ferenbach (Republican Wood) worked as a keynote speaker at the Parker’s Burg Regional Community Foundation (PACF) in the 2025th General Meeting of Parkers Burg Burg Country Club in Vienna. 。
One of Ferenbachers’s goals in Congress was to improve their childcare needs.
“There are some things I have to do.” He said. “This is an important service for West Virginia children, parents, staff, employees, and employers.
“It’s important for successful children.”
Ferenbacher said in parliament that he was discussing funds to programs to support young children to make good starts for future success.
This will make parents go to work.
There are certain rules for nursery schools for childcare. It is again “Challenge” Ferenbacher said it was necessary to provide childcare.
“But if you do it well, it should be very useful for the nation in that it is the focus of economic development.” He said.
Employers need an employee, and employees need to know that their children are safe and taken care of.
“These things are very close.” Ferenbacher said.
West Virginia has 1,262 approval providers, of which 38,777 approved. “seat”.
75% of childcare facilities available throughout the state “seat” Provided by nursery schools, 17% of them “seat” Provided by families who pick up many children from families and nearby residents.
However, as a whole, most childcare is provided by families or acquaintances.
Ferenbacher said that 40 % of children in the state would not be able to receive childcare.
No one knows exactly “seat” He said that no child would go to the nursery, so childcare would be needed.
“In short, it is necessary.” Ferenbacher said.
Wood County has 25 family providers, 17 child care centers, and 49 providers, including four headstart programs. A license of 1,847 is granted “seat” However, about 44% of local children cannot access nursery schools.
In the past, nursery schools received subsidies from the federal government based on the number of registrants, and the fees were calculated based on the attendance status, and some families need childcare five days a week. Some families only brought their children for two days.
Therefore, it is difficult to pay the staff who can go to work every day. One of the issues, Ferenbacher, was one of the issues that many childcare staff had low wages and only provided minimal benefits.
The US Relief Planning Law (ARPA) registration -based subsidies have expired in 2023 and 2024. There are concerns that the loss of funds may lead to the closure of nursery schools.
According to Ferenbacher, many centers rely on these subsidies to continue their business.
West Virginia still pays registration -based childcare subsidies through the money that has been used by the state.
“The problem is how long it will last.” Ferenbacher asked. “When does it need to provide more funds for that?”
Ferenbacher said it could cost more than $ 50 million a year.
There was a state tax deduction, but it was only $ 250 per family, that is, about $ 20 per month.
“I don’t think it will be a big and substantial help for nursery school welfare.” Ferenbacher said. People living in urban areas may travel up to 3 miles for childcare, but those who live in rural areas may travel by more than 16 miles for childcare.
“If you can’t find a nursery school within 16 miles, it’s like in a childcare desert.” Ferenbacher said. “There are many needs in this field.”
Many childcare bills have expired last year.
The state is considering a trial share concept in which individuals, employers, and states bear some childcare fees. The pilot program was implemented in West Virginia through the Ministry of Economic Development. Ferenbacher has not disclosed a lot of details about the program, but wants to be considered.
The state has a new governor and a new Ministry of Welfare, and he wants to consider what he can do.
According to Ferenbacher, West Virginia is one of the lowest labor participation in the United States, where 52 % of the production age population is working.
If childcare is hindering people’s work, it must be dealt with by the Diet. Other factors may include medical care and transportation that need to be considered.
Parker’s Burg Regional Community Secretary General Fred Rader said that the experimental program of the trial share is being conducted through the Ministry of Economic Development, so that state authorities take care of childcare. 。
“Securing appropriate nursery schools and ensuring appropriate labor is a major issue in economic development.” He said.