In recent years, the charm of luxury brands has decreased significantly among the younger generations, indicating changes in consumer behavior that reflect more widespread social changes. According to the data edited by DBIGS, a daehong Communications social big data platform, “Open Run” (terms used to explain the customs that are quewing early to buy a limited number of items). It is mentioned. year. This decrease is due to the mainstream of luxury consumption and the rise of cheaper imitation products known as “Dupe”.
The young generation, especially Generation Z, is increasingly far from luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, and Rolex, and has disappeared from the top 50 words related to the open runs in social networks. 。 “The luxury industry has weakened the charm of the brand by excessively distributing products to promote growth,” said Frederick Grinie, a notable person in the luxury industry. He further predicted that “luxury industries will face difficulties for the next two years.”
This change in consumer preference is not only about the decline in luxurious brand interest, but also related to the increase in alternatives that are more affordable. Spa brands, such as UNIQLO and Topten, have exceeded 1 trillion won in last year’s sales, reflecting the tastes of the young generation for highly cost -effective products and transcendental designs. Insiders in the industry said, “I tended to save other costs among young consumers, but I don’t want to buy at least one luxurious bag, but I want to show off the visible luxury. The desire is declining.
In addition to fashion, travel has emerged as an important spending field for the younger generation. Compared to the previous year, flight reservations for small Japanese cities such as Kagoshima, yonago, and Matsuyama have increased 316 %, 253 %, and 184 %, respectively. This tendency emphasizes the frequent short -term preferences to nearby destinations and consistent with a wider and more experimental consumption trend among young consumers. According to the industry in the industry, “this year’s trend is not only focusing on sightseeing, but more frequent and affordable prices because there is a growing demand of enjoying daily life at the destination.”
The concept of “village vacation” -The combination of “village” and “vacation” also gained traction, reaching 36,295 by October last year, increasing 74.5 % from 2022. Swon has emerged as a popular travel destination, and sightseeing spots focusing on unique concepts such as Jim Chong City Kinbop Festival and Gonju City’s Gongju Festival are attracting attention.
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