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Fish for free on certain days this year without a license!
If you’re looking for free activities to do this spring, this might be it! Free fishing days are provided to residents and visitors, allowing you to fish free of charge on public property without a fishing license.
In some states, fishing is free all year round or some offer free fishing days during the winter, so try ice fishing! Don’t miss out, be sure to mark the date on your calendar.
If you live in these states, save the following dates to fishing for free…
Check your local state regulations as additional restrictions or requirements may apply.
Are you familiar with local fishing spots? Head to the Takemefishing.org site, which lists popular fishing locations in each state. The map shows local boat ramps, bait shops and water bodies. There are also places where you can record the fish you catch and see what others are catching.
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About the author:
Kelly is a content writer with a degree in English education from Penn State University. As a mother and former middle school English teacher, she spent the past 25 years sought great deals for her home and classroom.