Observer Photo by Braden Carmen Caliani Diaz, 21, celebrates the touchdown in a representative flag football game in the orange bowl last season.
rear “Pause” For two weeks to discuss new sports programs in Fredonia, two public actors discussed this theme for two weeks, and the Fredonia Board of Education has a flag football program that has been changed for the sports season next spring. He voted for the establishment.
The Board of Directors voted for this proposal without voting. The recent meeting was held on the night when the school was closed due to abnormal weather.
The program was proposed as part of the agreement at a meeting on January 7, but was finally removed from the consent before discussing this issue. The decision was upset a few community members, including two parents who attended the next meeting two weeks later to handle this theme.
The first remark was Fredonia’s guardian and resident Andrew Clenzer. Clenzer was a former Dunkirk University Men’s Basketball Coach and his last coach who broke Fredonia in rivalry.
Clenzer was disappointed about the results of the capital project voting earlier this winter, where a large upgrade of the music and athletic sector votes strongly by taxpayers in the ward. Clenzer did not agree that the results of the voting should affect the decision of the team’s establishment this season, but for years, even if the voting agreed to upgrade, the improvement was reflected. Because it will take. A place where students are affected.
Following the speech prepared by Clenzer, Fredonia’s father and youth soccer coach Drew Brown were on stage. Mr. Brown mentioned that as a village coach, the field of the orange bowl in the fall was used by several teams. He believes that the use of the same field with the corrected flag football and representative flag football in the spring is not as big as the board of directors concerned.
Brown directly saw this year as a coach for many young athletes. He hopes to bring similar benefits to many other athletes in the district.
“From my point of view, the lessons learned from the players changed the lives of young players.” Brown said. “… I want them to have such opportunities. It’s very disgraced to use that opportunity to play lessons through hard work and devoted efforts. “
Clenzer has also realized the benefits of sports to Fredonia’s athletes. Trenton, the son of Clenzer, has participated twice as Fredonia as a state finalist. Clenzer talked about his son’s athlete in Fredonia, which started as a remodeled athlete.
“Without those opportunities, he would not have been able to reach today’s position. Yes, it needed a lot of effort, but the difference was that he had a chance. What we are looking for is to give the young women the same. “ Clenzer said. “I want to send a message to them. It doesn’t matter what kind of obstacle is in front of you … we intend to give them the opportunity.”
Curenzer and Brown argued that the school districts are taking the student a hostage over voting rejection of the capital project. Courtney Gallo, a member of the Board of Education, apologized for his impression to the students who were attending the conference later.
“That was not our intentions. I really asked a question to have you a safe and successful experience, so that’s why I kept it for a few weeks to get that answer.” Guro said. “I’m sorry I felt like that.”
The Board of Education initially received the results of a capital project proposal in the school district, and to further discuss all concerns about exercise competitions with Young and Light architects, the women’s flag football team was corrected at the previous meeting. We voted to make the proposal to be established.
The school district investigated how the changed flag football program affects other sports from the participation perspective. The area believes that operating a modified flag football team with about 22 players will not affect other sports so that it cannot be maintained.
In terms of costs, the $ 3,000 subsidies provided by Buffalo Bills can only be used by the district if the remodeling team is launched this season. The school district estimates that it will cost about $ 10,000 to maintain this program for the next few years, but this is higher than the current program, but it is cheaper than several other programs. 。 The district agrees with the recommendation of two coaches for this program.
Mr. Sheila Hhan, a member of the Board of Directors, who initially agreed with the proposal, said that the school district did not accept students. “hostage” By raising the proposal. Halan emphasized that the board of directors has been flooded with a flood of security concerns in recent years over the status of Fredonia’s stadiums. She said to school districts that they would like to follow the future strategic plan, rather than responding to a 10,000 -dollar program per year, rather than one -time a total of $ 3,000 subsidies.
From the previous meeting to this meeting, the District Facility Committee held a meeting to discuss the next steps after voting results. The Facility Committee has decided not to pursue small proposals to meet the needs of the music department and athletic department in the latter half of this year, but the district will prepare if the results are closer to the actual results. Was made.
It has not yet been determined how to deal with the needs of each department and provide funds. Dr. Brad Giriox, the superintendent of education, called this process: “Conversation during progress”
Part of the conversation is the evaluation of the orange bowl and the updates of the current facilities for the audience as well as the players.
With the approval of the program, the modified flag football team will practice mainly in the Chestnut Street Field and select some practice in the Orange Bowl to get used to the field before the game. If the Chestnut Street Ground is not available, practice will be performed on the main campus. The team is likely to play this year in about four contests, and will probably be all in orange bowls. One of the options to hold a game in another place in an agreement with the Dunkirk City School District or the New York State University, Fredonia is one of the options, but the school district hopes to hold a game at its own facilities.
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