Firefighter unions and fire advocacy groups have accused Congress of failing to secure funding for medical programs for 9/11 victims, despite an agreement to keep the government open.
Budget negotiations in Congress resulted in a failure to fund the WTC healthcare program. The program will provide financial assistance to 125,000 people who became ill several years after coming into contact with toxins at disaster sites in New York, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
The James Zadroga 9/11 Health Compensation Act was passed in 2010, reauthorized in 2015, and until a few days ago was thought to be permanently funded until the end of the program in 2090.
The bill passed and was reauthorized with bipartisan support.
Funding for the program is currently in jeopardy due to budget negotiations in Congress.
“Thousands of New York City firefighters and other clean-up workers have been diagnosed with cancer, and that number will continue to grow with no end in sight,” said James Brosi, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association. ” he said. press release.
“As New York City continues to lose firefighters every month to 9/11-related illnesses, the need for funding to care for the sick and dying continues. We urge Congress to take action. , we urge you to pass permanent funding for the WTC Healthcare Program,” Uniformed Firefighters Association President Andrew Ansbro said in a press release.
Governor Kathy Hochul is also outraged by this unfortunate development.
“‘Never forget’ is not just a New York saying. They are promises. One of them is that the @HouseGOP tonight cut health care costs for 9/11 first responders from the government funding bill.” The New York governor wrote to X and added, “Go back to the Capitol and do your. Job.”
A spokesperson for Sen. Schumer, who helped secure permanent funding for the program, said Chuck will continue to fight for the heroes of 9/11.
“Chuck will work to find other opportunities to accomplish that, and ideally it will be an effort in which Republican members of Congress will work with him,” the spokesperson said. He added that President Trump and Elon Musk are responsible for the impending threat. program.
Advocates also argue for the need for heroes to beg the federal government for financial obligations that have already been promised.
“First responders who sustained serious and life-threatening injuries and illnesses due to exposure to toxins at Ground Zero will pick up their hats to ensure adequate funding for promised treatments. They don’t have to walk through the halls of Congress’ provided to them by the federal government,” 9/11 victim advocate Nicholas Papain said in a press release.
Several FDNY unions and members of the department are scheduled to hold an emergency press conference Sunday at 124 Liberty Street, a fire station adjacent to the World Trade Center.