MERYVILLE, Missouri – FCS Financial is the Maryville Chamber of Commerce Ambassador March Business of the Mary.
FCS provides loans, leases and other related services to people living and working in rural America. The Maryville Site at 27186 282nd St. is one of 21 Missouri locations. Opening hours are from 8am to 4:30pm on weekdays, and staff can contact us at 660-582-6464.
Tuesday also served as a customer appreciation day for lending institutions. I had spoofed beans on hand to offer free coffee that day. During the day, FCS Financial returned $2,624,265.69 cash sponsorship to five Northwest Missouri County members.
Skye Pournazari/The Forum
FCS is a longtime sponsor of the Annual Farm City Banquet, with multiple employees working for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Agricultural Committee. The business was specifically appointed for its commitment to the region.
“FCS is dedicated to the service and promotion of farming in northwestern Missouri,” the candidate wrote. “The people there want to volunteer for Nodaway County and the committees and groups that advocate for agriculture.”
This month’s Business Awards exist to recognize and honor businesses that demonstrate community engagement, outstanding customer service and professional relationships. To qualify, the company must be in good condition with the Chamber of Commerce and meet at least one of the following inclusion criteria:
Prominent support for excellent customer service or products provided to the community or the Chamber of Commerce has been demonstrated.
Nominations can be made by customers or chamber members through online nomination forms
All verified appointments remain for consideration for three months from the date of submission. When appointing a business, you should keep in mind customer service, ease of accessibility, convenient time, social responsibility, civic engagement, long-term commitment to local economic growth, and proactive employment standards for community members. The nomination deadline is the first Friday of each month.