Antonio Merlo, the 16th president of the University of Drexel.
Announcement from Richard Greenwald’s Chairman
Message from President Antonio Merlo
The Drexel University Council has been confirmed as the 16th president of the 133 -year history of the university by Dr. Antonio Merlo, a unanimous voting political economist and scholar. Merlo, Anne, and Joel Erenz Dean, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at New York University, will inherit the provisional President Dennis P. Obrien, and will start the period in Drexel on July 1, 2025.
“Richard Greenwalt, the chairman of the Dr. Drexel’s council, said,” It’s important to gather his commitment to academic entrepreneurs, teachers, students, scholars, and practitioners. Success proven by dealing with social issues is particularly important to move on strategic institutional priority.
Since 2019, Merlo, who has earned a Ph.D. in NYU, has three schools, dozens of departments, research centers, research institutes, language, and cultural artists, Nyu Arts & Science. Is led by Under the guidance of Merlo, 1,100 teachers in the academic unit provide services to more than 16,000 undergraduate students, graduate graduates of art and science, and all NYU undergraduate students through core curriculum.
Dr. Merlo, a very skilled scholar, has been recognized as an administrator who utilizes the strengths of academics, nurtures communities and promotes scholarships with scholarships throughout the department. Under his leadership, NYU ARTS & SCIENCE has established five new centers. An interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary innovative hub for cross school research and unique opportunities for students. He has also established the Arts and Science Bureau that promotes large -scale interdisciplinary collaboration, provides strategic guidance, breaks down silo, and bridges cultural and translated divisions throughout the field. 。 As a result, the total research portfolio with external funds has increased from about $ 300 million in 2018 to about $ 450 million in 2023. Merlo has supervised the employment of 120 tenure line teachers and the completion of a new six -story house at the University of the Arts. Science. The construction has begun with his vision of integrated science, giving priority to the interdisciplinary approach to discovery. The first new space is linked by environmental scientists and biological anthropologists with a manufacturer -spatial model with a method of sharing and methodology.
Merlo also prioritized funding, right -sized staff, and developing engagement and outreach strategies with measurable results. In 2024, NYU ARTS & SCIENCE has reached the most productive year in its history.
“This is an exciting moment in the history of the University of Drexel,” said the provisional President Dennis Obrien. “Dr. Merlo is not only a great scholar, but also a leader who has a long track record of connecting people, focusing on common goals and achieving it. He is a respected institution. The President of the Drexel community when we move forward for a bright future. “
Merlo’s career in higher education began at the University of Minnesota, completed the doctoral program in 1992, and joined the teacher as a professor as a tenure truck. He spent six years at university, advanced to economics associate, and served as auxiliary consultant in the research department of the Minneapolis Bank, and returned to NYU as an economic and political associate professor from 1998 to 2000. 。
Through his career, Merlo has established his position as a premier scholar to take on the new challenge and take responsibility for being a leader. Immediately before returning to New York, Merlo spent five years at Rice University and served as Professor George George, the Faculty of Economics, and Chairman of the Faculty of Economics, the founder of Rice Initiative for Economics. Director of the 2016 Social Science School. In this status, Merlo has worked to complete a major fundraising activity to support the construction of a state -of -the -art academic building, donated chairs, graduates and undergraduate students. He also established a Public Policy Research Institute in partnership with government agencies and non -profit organizations.
Merlo also built a strong connection with Philadelphia during his educational background and spent 14 years at the Faculty of Pennsylvania from 2000 to 2014. He is a researcher at the Penn Economic Research Institute, an advisory committee of the Penng In Research Center.
Through his work with the Pen Economic Research Institute, Merlo has called on crime and public policy to establish an annual meeting on political economy. He also played an important role in raising funds, established a ferro -weight for economics and prominent visitor programs, and cooperated with student exchange and research with Technologico Independence of Bocconi University in Bokkoni and Mexico in Mexico. Established.
During his stay in a pen, Merlo was recognized by his scholarship and education and won the Christian R. and the Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award in 2009 famous education. opportunity. He also obtained a master’s degree from the facility in 2000.
“Dr. Merlo is a new star of higher education. He defends a new initiative, takes over the leadership role in all organizations he has served, and loves himself to students, teachers and staff on the way.” Our committee is excited about what Drexel’s next President and Drexel are in a wide range of searches.
Merlo is a first -generation university graduate. He completed his undergraduate education in 1987, gained a total of Lawrean in economics and social science at Bokkoni University in Milan, and then moved to the United States to continue research in NYU.
Merlo is a scholar of political and economic analysis, public economics, negotiations and applications, and empirical micro economics. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the England’s Economic and Social Research Council to concentrate on the economic impact of public policy and the structure of the political sector. Merlo has also published a wide range of ways to contribute to voting, crime, and family economy.
He writes articles in major economics magazines, including American economic reviews, economy, political economic journal, and economics reviews. In 2018, he wrote an innovative political and economic textbook for undergraduate students for Routedge, and wrote dozens of books during his educational background.
Merlo has been distinguished from many honor and distinction to his scholarships, including being selected as a fellows of the weighing Economic Society. Providing parate lectures for economics and social sciences. He was nominated for Pedencinii Fellow in Cambridge Trinity College. And we will win the prominent education won the Christian R. and the Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award. He served as a co -editor of Journal of Public Economics from 2003 to 10 years, and has been an international economic review since 2000-04. Journal of Economic Theory’s associate editor, 2000-10, reviewed economic dynamics from 2001-05.
His experts include a researcher at the Economic Research Center and the IFO Economic Research Institute, and as a researcher in the Economic and Economic Performance Program and Public Policy Programs. Researcher of the National Economic Research Bureau on the Political Economy. The member is an advisory committee of the president of the Tepper School of Business of Carnegie Melon.
In addition to his academic contribution, Merlo was a dedicated and lively supporter in his student life in their campus communities. He is the head coach of Rice, Pen, and NYU’s Club Water Polo team, and is the winner of the coach of the Year Award of the University Water Polo Association.
“I think Drexel is an institution that is ready to achieve great things in the next few years, for the basic mission of evolving to satisfy the moment and its foresight. Merlo said. “I am really grateful that NYU gave me a scholar and leader through my career, but I started traveling with Drexel and the university could be tremendous. In the next few years, it will definitely make a big change in the university like Drexel. It is really honorable to be part of the next chapter of the proud history.
Merlo’s choice shows the comprehensive comprehensive efforts led by Laurley as the chairman of the Presidential Search Committee, including councilors, teachers, students, and administrators. Merlo will begin his period as the 16th President of Drexel on July 1, 2025.
“I am very grateful to the search committee, which consists of trustees, teachers, students, and senior managers, and are led by Mike Lollie and make an comprehensive search and effort in less than six months. About, “Greenwalt said. “They make the best choice to nominate candidates to the council that truly concrete the values of Drexel and promotes our institutions dynamically for the future. did.”
Greenwalt retires as the chairman of the Directors he has served since 2008. He was replaced by Rollie, a Revoc business graduate in 1977 and a long -standing Drexel trustee. Laurie is a world -renowned business and technology leader, the founder and CEO of the Lolley Group, a private company that provides CEO consulting, business services, and private equity funds. He is also the founder, chairman, and CEO of the SPAC, the SPAC released on the New York Stock Exchange.