Q: I never realized how dangerous heat and humidity can be until I collapsed from heat stroke. How can I protect myself and my children? — Diana R., Dallas
A: It’s easy to get into heat-related problems these days. So far this year, emergency room visits due to heat are nearly double what they were last year in the Southwest, Hawaii, and Mid-Atlantic. And heat-related deaths are increasing from about 1,602 in 2021 to 2,302 in 2023. Heat stroke is now the third leading cause of death among high school athletes in the United States. And heat is especially dangerous for young athletes because they sweat less and produce more heat per unit of body weight. Clearly, this is a health crisis that everyone should be paying attention to.
There are three ways extreme heat can kill children and adults.
It can lead to heat stroke, where the body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The body then redirects blood flow to the skin in an attempt to cool itself down. If not treated immediately, multiple organ failure can occur. Excessive heat can also cause a drop in blood pressure, which is especially dangerous for people with heart disease. Dehydration is also a dangerous outcome. If left untreated, it can progress to shock and organ failure.
For young athletes, training should occur in the cooler mornings and evenings. A certified athletic trainer should be on-site during practices and games to look for signs of heat stroke and treat them immediately. Locker rooms should be equipped with ice baths to quickly reduce body temperature. To stay hydrated, athletes should drink approximately 16 ounces of water per hour of exercise. In addition, athletes should drink 8 ounces of an electrolyte drink every 30 minutes.
For adults, use your head. Don’t exercise in hot environments. Stay hydrated. Also, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, beta-blockers and anticholinergics can make it harder to regulate your body temperature. For more information, see Are You Suffering from Heat Stroke? at iHerb.com/blog.
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Dr. Mike Roizen is the founder of www.longevityplaybook.com and Dr. Mehmet Oz is a Global Advisor to www.iHerb.com, the world’s leading online health store. Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz are Chief Wellness Officer Emeritus at the Cleveland Clinic and Professor Emeritus at Columbia University, respectively.
(c)2024 Michael Roizen, MD
Distributor: King Features Syndicate, Inc.