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Sports editor Matt Daniels is looking at what’s going on in the area.
The Keysn Peoples and Bismarck Henning/Ross Bill Alvin Boys basketball team will bring a 34-1 record in the Class 2A super section game with the Joliet Central High School diet on Monday night.
3 reasons why I love sports today
➜1. bracket. Something we all love to fill out – the 68 teams from the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball Tournament will not arrive until this Sunday. However, Sunday night brought the conclusions of the 15-team Big Ten men’s basketball tournament bracket and the Big Ten women’s basketball tournament.
➜2. Tips for the IHSA Boys Basketball State Tournament at State Farm Centre in Champaign on Thursday. 16 teams will be able to spend time in CU later this week.
➜3. But first, these state-qualified teams will need to win the ultra-section game on Monday night. Like the area program, Bismarck-Henning/Rossville-Alvin (34-1) and Leroy (23-10) are still competing for the state spot.
Jamonte Williams, from Champaign, helped Parkland men’s basketball team reach the NJCAA Division II National Tournament this season.
Number Game: 11
Parkland’s men’s basketball program is qualified for the NJCAA Division II National Tournament. Includes this season. Champaign Community College will continue its impressive campaign until mid-March after easily beating Rendlake 104-67 on Saturday during the Regional 24 Tournament Championship Game in Canton.
Leroy sophomore Brycen Umstattd, Middle, and The Panthers Boys’ Basketball Team will play Hope Academy in Cefcu Arena’s Class 1A Super Section Game on Monday night.
Crowd control
Three events I’m paying attention to
➜1. Bismarck-Henning/Rossville-Alvin vs. Dyett Boys’ Basketball. BHRA (34-1) has won one first state tournament appearance. He defeated the Eagles (24-7) on Monday night in a Class 2A super section game at Joliet Central High School.
➜2. Leroyvs. Hope Academy Boys ‘Basketball. The whole town of Leroy may appear in the regular Saft Arena for the Monday night Class 1A super section game between the Panthers (23-10) and the Eagles (25-7) who will tick Tips at 6pm
➜3. Quincy vs. Bennett Boys Basketball. Quincy (31-3) competed in his first state tournament in Champaign since 1990, winning the Class 4A super section game on Monday.
Luke Bronowski coaches the UniHigh Boys tennis and girls tennis team.
Coach’s corner
Three questions with Uni High Tennis coach Luke Bronowski.
➜1. My favourite sports team is… the Chicago Cubs. I’m looking forward to whether I’ll be able to run in the playoffs this season.
➜2. The three coaches who want to have dinner are Pete Carroll, John Wooden and Rick Pitino. There’s a bit of a marching talent, but I love coach Pete Carroll and how he creates.
➜3. My biggest pet Peeve is… the people I talk to when I’m talking. Whether it’s teaching or coaching, you can miss a lot when you don’t pay attention or to me, it just shows a lack of respect.