COLOMBUS, Ohio – In just a few days, the Columbus Blue Jacket will host the Detroit Red Wings outside the Ohio Stadium.
This is an event that is expected to attract nearly 10,000 fans to the historic venue.
“We are very excited to host the Stadium Series. Linda Logan, CEO of the Greater Columbus Sports Committee, said:
Logan said it’s a game they hope to host for a while. And she said this brings many first timers to Columbus.
“It checks out every box of economic development. The fact that this event brings $20 million to our community on a great sports weekend and brings up the image and profile of Columbus,” Logan said.
Economically, Logan said this weekend it will benefit hotels, restaurants and shops that rely on special events and more foot traffic in the city.
“We’re a big sports city on weekends, which is already a big boom at Arnold Sports Festival, and this is another great opportunity to show what we’ve made,” Logan said.
Logan said it is the 14th largest city in the country, and that Columbus could host multiple events, including the Stadium Series and Arnold, over the same weekend.
“It’s going to be hopping. There’s going to be something for everyone and I think there’s an intersection where people try to do both,” Logan said.
As they landed the Stadium Series, the Greater Columbus Sports Commission aims to achieve what they can achieve next. The NCAA Women’s Basketball and Volleyball Final Four will be held in Columbus in 2027.
Logan said he hopes to attract American gymnastics and figure skating championships to the Ohio capital as well.
“We feel we are always looking for the next big event. That’s what Columbus is special. We know that our community will appear. Whether it’s the audience, we buy tickets on Turnstile. Columbus will appear,” Logan said.