Carina Castagna founded the startup business, Pest Joe, while participating in Pirates Launch Pad Summer Accelerator.
Do you have the idea of a business startup that you are serious about pushing or turning into a real business? Are you already looking for help in starting a startup and moving your venture to the next level? Have you participated in a startup contest and sought further guidance? Are you focusing on social or community issues and working on innovative startup business solutions?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Pirates Launchpad might be the right choice for you. The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship invites all Seton Hall University students to apply to participate in the fifth Pirates LaunchPad Summer Accelerator program and earn up to $2,000 in investment seed funds for their venture.
Pirates LaunchPad adopts the lean startup methodology to help student entrepreneurs advance their startup business models with an eight-week summer program. Students are held weekly for virtual group meetings between entrepreneurship faculty and guest speakers on Friday mornings from late May to July. Participants will also receive additional individual coaching sessions that have made the graduate entrepreneur successful.
There is no cost for students to attend, but space is limited.
Who qualifies: You are already working on a startup business model or you are starting a startup, setting business goals during the program, and working to meet them. Students can apply as solopreneurs or for teams of up to four students. Student entrepreneurs who successfully complete the program can qualify for seed funding up to $2,000 for each venture.
Time: Friday, May 30, 2025 to Friday, July 25, 2025 (excluding Friday, July 4th)
How to apply: The 2025 cohort will accept six student startup teams. The application process includes interviews with the director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and includes filling out the application form.
Deadline for Expressing Interest: Students should contact Susan Shelake, founding director of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, by Thursday, May 22, 2025. (Email protection).
It will be received by a team of students participating in the venture accelerator.
To continue to advise with Pirates Launchpad ongoing ongoing mentors, a seed funding salary of up to $2,000 access access to entrepreneurship workshops, prototyping tools and other skills building useful resources
Access to the heart of innovation and network of entrepreneurial spirits of successful graduate entrepreneurs
What Pirates LaunchPad Accelerator alumni say about the program:
“Pirate Accelerator was little idea when I first signed up. Following the program, I completed a proof of concept at my local farmers market and was able to quickly earn a follow. Looking back, it’s weird to remember where I was two years ago. I simply had an idea, and I’m already jumping up and down before where I was when I started accelerators. I’m currently preparing for a busy farmers market season and recently started selling products online. When they are on missions, they cannot stop the pirates. I’m grateful for the accelerator that pointed me in the right direction! ”
Brooke and Madison Loza, founders of One Stop Eco Shop, expanded their business between Pirates Launchpad Accelerator.
“Pirates LaunchPad offers a great network and formula to turn your ideas into reality. When we embarked on a major business expansion last summer and opened a one-stop eco-shop retailer on Toms River, the program helped us guide us. – Brooke and Madison Rosa, founder of One-stop eco-shop, studying nurses and winners of the Pirates Pitch Startup Competition and the NJIT New Venture Competition.
“My goal when I joined Pirates Launchpad was to expand my existing online business, including improving my website. I was able to achieve these goals and more.” – Jerry Ford, Stillman’s senior, is a Pirates Pitch winner and co-founder of Anvilent, pursues entrepreneurship and marketing focus.