Columbus -Governor Ohio, Mike Dewain, has decided on a budget to fully provide public education after some Republican colleagues threaten to reduce the K -12 expenditure. However, the educator is still unable to rest because the GOP has already delved into his proposals.
Summary -History
Ohio’s history of school funds is not the brightest. The Supreme Court of Ohio was Delolf V in 1997. He states that it is unconstitutional to provide funds to state schools and rely too much on property tax.
For the next 30 years, the members have traveled and back and forth to revise unconstitutionality. The Ohio State Education Association, like parliamentarians on both sides of the aisle, believes that it has been unconstitutional since then. However, some Republicans claim that they are no longer considered unconstitutional because they are no longer used in the policies they have hit, so they cannot be regarded as unconstitutional because they are not considered “unconstitutional” in court. I am claiming.
Either way, he has been ultra -controlled for many years to fix the financing system.
The House of Representatives’ bill 1, which was introduced in 2021 by State Congress by Bridrose Swenny (D Crebrand) and Jamy Calendar (R-CONCORD), was an additional $ 333 million dollars a year for K-12 educational funds. Or need about $ 2 billion in total. This is called Cupp-Patterson Fair School Funding Plan (FSFP).
Their bills were not the Senate of the General Assembly created by the former chairman Bob Cup (R-LIMA) and the former Representative John Patterson (D-Jefferson). The lower house bill 1 was finally passed by a budget and was signed by the law.
It should take six years to deploy, aiming to change the method of a public dollar to the K-12 school. Additional support in local districts is less likely to rely on property taxes.
For the first two years, it has been partially funded, and the second year has been fully funded, and only two years left.
Summary -Timeline
In early January, a comment on the new House of Representatives, R-LIMA (R-LIMA), and the comments advertised by me offended the leaders of the whole state viewers, readers, parents, and education.
“I don’t think Cupp-Patterson has a third phase,” Huffman told reporters. “Regarding the expectation that they will enter … I think the clear statement I can say is that the increase in expenditures is impossible.”
Four years ago, GA said he could not “tie” what the future members could do.
See his remaining comments, including the fact that some areas do not use “wisely” money.
Ohio GOP threatens to reduce school funds, and expenditures are called “sustainable”
Related: Ohio GOP threatens to reduce school funds and call expenditures “sustainable”.
I talked about follow -up a few days later. There, half-dads’ GOPs have been to reach out and protect the K-12 education.
These six, and at least 15 I have spoken in recent weeks say that one of their main priority is to support public schools.
This is because Governor Mike Dewain does not promise to support the current bipartisan financing formula and need to make a “difficult choice”.
After the rebound, Ohio’s GOP divided by reducing the funds of public schools.
Related: After the rebound, the GOP in Ohio divided by reducing the funds of public schools.
One week later, I returned to Huffman for a big rebound. He doubled.
“If people are angry, they still need to deal with the facts,” said the speaker. “I think the current system, especially if some people are calling for the plan, is really sustainable.”
He called the current funding plan “fantasy”.
Ohio GOP will continue to plan to reduce the budget of public schools and accuse the current funds as “fantasy”.
Related: Ohio GOP continues to plan to reduce the budget of public schools and accuses the current funds as “fantasy”.
Following my continuous report, Huffman has betrayed his immovable effort to reduce funds. Our widespread reports led to a large -scale rebound from members of the Diet, and many GOP members personally spoke in late January.
The Republican members were discussed that they went to Kakuslity Teste at the beginning of GA during a three -day private trip.
I have confirmed with a half -dader representative that the spectator’s team had given a presentation on how to reduce the current funding ceremony because it was “unable to sustainable”.
“The school funding is a longer discussion than I think I can’t get more details until the governor introduces the budget,” said Huffman on January 22.
After the supporters spoke, many Republican members started up to defend fulfilling funds to public schools and began a bigger debate.
GOP in Ohio is a backtrack about reducing public school funds.
Related: Ohio GOP backtrack to reduce funds from public schools
Governor’s budget
Civil educators are sighing at the moment of Chorus RELIEF.
“We know that he knows that he is not from the opposite side of the aisle, so we hope he is aggressive and ambitious for public education,” he said. The school principal of Charles Smearlek said.
SMIALEK has been talking to me for a month about his concerns caused by Huffman’s comments in early January that this GA budget would significantly reduce at least $ 666 million public education expenditures. Ta.
“Implementation of a cup putterson plan that many believers say -FAIT Compri -We decided four years ago, we are going to do that with this budget, my estimation is fantasy,” said 1 speaker. I talked to the moon. 。
Huffman explained this year’s budget that the federal subsidy was exhausted and the money would be significantly reduced. And for him, public education is in the chopping block.
“We have a wide range of opportunities for our students and without funding to maintain our students,” said the director.
It was the moon to dig deep into Dewine as well as Huffman.
“Where are you going to finish the CUPP-PATTERSON plan,” he asked the governor in mid-January after Huffman’s comment began to rebound.
“Look, these are the argument we have,” said the governor, saying, “These are very difficult and difficult to choose.”
Finally, the governor made a decision.
“The plan includes the last two years of the last two years of the funding plan for the General Assembly’s school,” said Dewine late on Monday.
“A few weeks ago, we said we were convinced that we would reduce the budget for the next two years, so we were not sure about providing funds to public education,” he said. “The first question, what has changed? And the second -what we cut?”
He replied that it was always focusing on what was most important, including the welfare and education of children.
“In my three other budgets, I know that in this budget, both (chamber) have a true interest in what the formula is. The main thing we did is,” The main thing we did. Look at the schools that are losing students.
At present, some districts guarantee that some of the funds will not be reduced even if the registration decreases. According to the governor’s budget, he gradually reduces the warranty from 100 % to 90 % in two years.
“We will start the road so that we will not eliminate … but to defeat the warranty,” continued the governor. “It’s probably the most important thing we proposed to the nation.”
As you did mathematics at a press conference, you can see that the budget is not excessively restricted. In other words, the excuse to reduce public education for more slim funds is silent.
It is expected to be $ 108 billion in the 2026 fiscal year and $ 110 billion in the 2027 fiscal year, a total of $ 218 billion. This was much more than GA’s 135th budget, $ 191 billion.
I pointed out this to the governor. The governor acknowledged that this was a “normal” budget and the term “lean”.
SMIALEK stated that just because the equation of funding is protected by the governor does not mean that it remains.
“I haven’t made predictions about school funds on the first day,” said House Finance Chair Brian Stewart (R-ASHVILLE) on Tuesday.
Stewart explained that this proposal has been well received by some members, but the debate will continue.
It is not clear whether Dewine proposed to FSFP a major change to FSFP, as Dewine’s proposal is not accessible to journalists and the general public. We requested additional information from the budget and administrative bureau. This also means that it is unknown whether the voucher system of a private school will increase in an additional way.
My previous story is more detailed about the voucher program.
In short, Huffman defends a private school’s voucher system. Under his surveillance, the state spent about $ 1 billion of public money to send children to private schools. Educators like Smialek argue that providing funds to private schools instead of public schools is unconstitutional.
“We continue to lose the ground, and at least we want to maintain our standing position, but we can see that it is a difficult battle because it is realistic.” I said.
The House of Representatives Finance Committee will hear the budget over the next few weeks before sending changes and sending them to the Senate.
Follow WEWS StateHouse Reporter Morgan Trauu on Twitter and Facebook.