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Enjoy these new makeup mini collections!
Until March 22nd, we head to Target.com and offer purchases there.
Plus, you’ll get 5% off and free shipping on Target Circle Card Holder!
If you’re creating a mini fan or collector at home, this is the perfect time to grab some for your Easter basket.
The options you can collect are:
These extremely adorable miniverse sets come with all the “materials” and accessories you need to create a mini replica of your favorite situation.
Once you’ve finished creating your cute little mini piece, simply place it in the sun or use UV light to reinforce the resin and your mini masterpiece is ready to be on display!
Check out more hot toy deals here…
About the author:
Krystal holds an associate degree from Devry University and has over six years of writing experience across multiple publications in the fashion, lifestyle, beauty and health industries.