Author: theparknews

Introduction: Bank of England ratesetter warns against being ‘seduced’ by lower inflationGood morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of business, the financial markets and the world economy.One of the Bank of England’s hawkish policymakers has warned that the UK should not be “seduced” by the recent fall in inflation, given underlying price pressures in the economy remain strong.Catherine Mann, one of four policymakers who opposed this month’s cut in UK interest rates, argues that services inflation remains too high for comfort, and that UK wages are rising faster than the Bank’s models would predict.Speaking to the Economics Show with…

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Former President Donald Trump has launched a new attack on Vice President Kamala Harris.He is now falsely accusing Harris of using artificial intelligence to generate images of huge crowds in Michigan, and further alleging that “no one was waiting” for Harris when she arrived at the airport for the rally on Wednesday.”Did anyone notice Kamala cheated at the airport,” he wrote in a Sunday Truth Social post. “There was no one on the plane and she manipulated it with an ‘AI’ to show hordes of so-called followers, but they weren’t there!”He added that photos of the incident, particularly those showing…

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Believe it or not, back to school is just around the corner for your kids, which may come as a welcome relief for parents, but it also means a big shopping bill. NPR states, “American families with elementary, middle, and high school aged children expect to spend an average of $875 on back-to-school supplies this back-to-school season, according to the National Retail Federation’s annual Back-to-School Survey.” That’s a significant amount of money, but there are some ways to make this season’s shopping a little easier on your wallet. With these five tips, you can save money and still get your…

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column August 12, 2024 Rania V. Sedom is managing partner of the Sedom Law Firm. Luxury Daily columnist{“ct”:”hkplF22FtmCPAbkCTtv\/\/awk6hbsXopUrvUkUz4H7KBfRlP9XeVPM82aNgBmzSfJ3H828tw4UCG0H\/acMpyRonZawHn15\/bPzwgBAGecw9V0N8aqW0omqKx9M\/S3TI4qYugo C4MREI5TkvcCA4wdw6Czg9GjCbJWvAd8dNDC6dSXpTILzejkiXopmO0tY96fJOwIidCdqsh+CCJ4Io\/Rp7sBHrPvJINdYvJxsQmLIR\/OsUfWZ\/pZNk3tmL8RXqsccr1x fgU1ij8qRe8ENxKQAQNs9Fbyvn\/ar7z4bGVh7he49Y0KJvzKmS3X8U7D81nZdECY5SIP0g4BpZul1nWOsGTUc99PsRvi7D5sznlzZaXqLAKsys1NRYetaieP88TRxtYAwfKu8g437Xi 8v s1Oe5A5c\/b+JQ5DyMdvOOLl4V2Sonx89BI\/7CaubnfeFjSDnpuB\/thj\/4joG8\/WSaBeOF3ifxoGWui28RBw1pVybem7\/YC+lREpc7c8tN96+tJLamAeqh0w3SlG1+EN 5M2yCxWJKiQM4yfxV8HTgWEOWVRhRd+EQdX\/fNjAD0pDiNPFV7MKzNox9y4vxKzp3rfi0L3Onfy1IhSCh8sqE5OxWDzJ6+0Kl4\/gNBPevWlB+n02fwYo0UzjT2\/AbjX3L35FPfXr V wLg0G4GgExJPoHSkxEk4uaKRLXrcrqtWYKiNFQxf5HfnUCwo21IqdPSxTJ8NdMftWUtNHwIRlVdxDRwa2\/PCpeqmZoNt+Yi5GnkHkZAtNGrlaoCEVuAyfS1vM1QM0nqlWPDwP3 SH3SoeuL1eaJftKdQ+AcPWuBKVf+Svge8XzDVaZ\/rcAd8VaaqkmPkzxTowSOD\/+73ctQdOPPQr32wgua8GJRAoA2Dmn4skjIq2WRciGaN4KL1sJpVPx2d89tNu9xHvBBx60NYR46qYA3\/Ixex XyJuRzjrFZHdY2aJE4WAVAnFGhJwcUlnUJdOVFUvU8O2EXEsI8ZlhWgoyRtVCSNFQ4fSR4IRuWogPlktqN1MhFHRwmAagNzvfw7H9zRkBP5+QtjEgpJjJtAXJgCK8W6 SfA4vcw44SCphRUz1HP+jPCgjfQcqmUTUTBVmNPIhC8yeay\/+zKGuLm0b94n62nC7zdC1sLDPZEmC8kz6zSU8NhAuQZg6eFA1kjZhCWqddrUmEXSBhYXRL908uiTU1wbpDpQBGCYDgUu5mLblrV+d\ /uINgBARQDEVF3s2UsmvG\/o8mulEMQ4uNCSomm8JidUwhXV0iBiEqBeQDFpt6WLwo8hUOPB9a4yWfVUAuxLdkJ7Kquill4rq4OcstfA3o1X7AH3ShRriSHrIaXJ qXIiGSNfTZNyVWBbNjPBmYFnperLLgY9O\/TJXL\/THKicpKg1xaUNs1xpyjul0YXiL4wqyZ+ohkIawqxM1gJYrfZJVCwWBhEm\/8xE3laS++nah+F30r2GkhtFGAVRqS3omTlaiQVwKRRhS7\/6 iNmABP0V3uf\/jGP2x8s3XAVbQwtbYeEJbFwCXTFTUi3+Xb97EV6MYbRHHKDOFu0jHvZeiEtxl9q3bWeBN3v3HtL2TyxDB8ZizTqq5zHoAWOzIj741pRX31eLxKgkf7 +oIWc\/uvewDnB\/5dRW6dXD+lOt8ZFrImio6TWGr1+E8dw5ILivj71VzoTPErgZauM1JEJa5wQftIKeTNRX0NnC8NKx6ygWqX2ZTj40PCeTPuhqlJ7+XZUUDUm4GM3Bucl8AqVXtmSXac0o8Pc9 UfCZKGqIsQQkDIap6OmEnNav\/0qOQZjR+bpzoBMxtoUqYAtx9rJ8vERbWXn++tWLc6xVVeIz3ZiTsddz7XuWMKA9gWCQdILnqExs6dfANnFOf1MAn1WPs5E0pXHhwa eBy9xwsvI84V2EIde3979DmVJnmRszAe03\/crUJdGd\/RWjddcKCwKA24mVnWegkQFMKC7AUU6DZLdYMch3bhFrK9HxhV\/aRZypWO2TNe4w4EGQkyd2m6Hs7h8VRCuweOKlZeg3Y9myg1cZ dxEeIrVGVa\/yxQw9Rv09joe2zAma6\/epRZMMwYQyV94GDJedY9F8XVmpmr39Y0ghu1yZjaUn3idw\/IEO8Mv1Fk\/oPBFw5f8iCQFIObEJ3B\/MH0peamKIN\/HQpPupM 1kLIP\/AUqY1p2nbAGZcLlV4qAVTF6N3Bif18BCY2\/CXjbeTm9q7mjD63jJz+pRs1y3ytesBd3I99+xiqUGK6xo3SoDKx7d2PJXZFRxZQvN9slqoK+K6lhG\/bpxJayigiZXcuJ8Nf WTg1 ojE6UzfN8Y2eamykDs81zIXT8HPh3qvb9OBgWeZr3Eevc+TddtWYLyjLYDXec5PzSM8iftKx7U2suLjbJ3N6iaxQ3JcA6kIGOvnPASKSwdWfBDz+gqG6cJ9W1hS7mUkKjFnh txfZ2OvdLNAjjK9M4rk1CKiMsomhHW4G5gT9\/OeIFWQynwn8H+BKEHAzR6zoBOCOOCPsPik8SbNc69Bt3\/1daYmIeJcz\/5zKk7+fvv9tVD1irNedd6PcpT6bdKj9LHqf5IqGKx+4Lm Zfm0D0Ji9JRFTkqsLMqVAHabBjJLy3UVLeiifJICB7xjSKZcqe85ais9MrN\/Vx9KqIqYIuECFusCpzOdaKzvqEeg3BdtpOQnUTkjxyBL\/ociCdRx1N\/kbegf+dIIo10hAXT 0GPcWPFQp7jIPssCJA3iz5xsRt4GzqfUxX4OOJYnKt1PI3W8\/V\/dmiz3zd6rgCwIHAvDvZ22wCSIwD7d1GIQyb8L8n0DyQK4FbMJ8BrX\/ba\/IU71Pdqc8v3qzWo1DrLXSurFo 8 p1b3\/LXFWlQ1I5e4bH7CsB\/hm0yINhrn2k6aUhCx0qiaxwPu7fsj5zojkm7du5j0Blwc5OG9YWlexQai5JzHh1Y4GZ9kDbWgZsvHyC+a8u+qMbDpu9kCk8qG3ZvicIFl9gw7ISw NX6m\/MfVXXflMNNOsuTmGRN2VH8Z2MYRFHJpIHq+02RkHxwY\/nrLD4IWrOCfGS2v16EH1+mFiqhjrOewz0rVSEiCfDXf\/yDVyJZpGT7DCiz53AamxHlG0b5oNhdQRPnvL5v7VSBOqpuJtBj fcpV1FD2ggIid1Vf\/VaE1nIgftoKBZh8vojdCoL391TZDr9s\/TARGIK7mpNhsaIuFBUxb347bMQjiGYXcS3E6vfsNoSNq1jlcIBDTgdTQNOXonuvlIWbBpShBUK9bPK PJBEZqErO4HHOmZ2blM2EsqKjuigIQ6r\/hylalYTdfzoO+a67KASUyxVLFvhflUIe+SqxyyfFVlRJEkXi2iLF37IO8sIQcS+wWHH7I8rA5IhHD93GnbIpQ+NP\/YvUDvBM0QGnnZdhqIfoYQ 6u1povp3RsjXKIU+bAXg50cmfGiCsQhnacBoYllTiTehYTjvkTBkhuCjOqecg1OHSP\/yZIah3j0cZBpH5gQ1QeT\/Wy1PSACgbUGoMC3Mruvxq\/7itR0kRB4Qh+4SSgW 8+Wq9228CN1AHzbn2UFBD3Zi79pnpljT\/nzZQSAyG66FfUvo5GOVzZk9JzhVBA7Dp8i1qRUuXOH4EFt1bPKc+Ks6hRfndJayONDs4kGPHt0DaoNB69YBg3a+q60E5Io0AwNjncI4IS7bkesyBw Vi5dPhB+h2ID7mlezutF4q8w\/5ZQRK1JSXpzvAaX4MtPFMnRln8cVCmz85aYXv+u588C1gFKscEWbdPm1b6s\/p4QRlA9Qsj\/SbOMR49QEncI5UF5172fB8xSSJ\/H 116osJ6lrh1hgM5+jsdC+O6Y9HJpotDI2gwfojJPAXXNrR9BINGB36jFJgXxOwwSsyA\/dPBbcbnRA\/bBtpYgp0wUbdbp29v9UW62shzj80hzDgIYWFYnEoJI12vITTDOl5bvX9Of3su K+ 22pk87NkVuB+3ZOjvzFpG4QEQFGllkNI388sD7QiqXa\/V1D35iG83S0mlbX\/1zmZGdOWQ5gsfWITSvBnRsQ5APz39nHXvNaoWHlEletPN8w87Drza7qzQow9jSeziuftJk H8Ou0ec7eRCiK82W7b7Nur7rpSD4KJVYxmmdlybYI\/Ff0SfWWHs\/3xZTzkYBaH1OMgk1EscIDNmm9i5QSmEBElqDyMArWzimA2E7HBBiUcSH\/NcuZ2TEPGVBrjMet\/oiRzI+WgUQSri\/83ECPn leOTLmLkC7AwFTuPNiFOdYFIHZL8wu9L2Im4PBD1rj\/nJUsmARXdmUOAw==”,”iv”:”4b964d7ef3155448a0b17b8b04567660″,”s”:”87407776eb233062″} Share your thoughts, click here Source link

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Red Sox outfielder Jarren Duran apologized for yelling a homophobic slur at a bystander during his at-bat against the Houston Astros at Fenway Park on Sunday night.The slur wasn’t uttered loudly, but it was loud enough to be picked up on NESN’s live coverage of the game, which Boston lost 10-2. According to video captured on television coverage, fans were seen repeatedly yelling at outfielder Duran that he needed a tennis racket to hit a pitch he swung and missed at in the bottom of the sixth inning. Duran uttered the derogatory remark before turning toward the fans and assuming…

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fashion Ruman Baig 49 seconds ago The era of flashy extravagance, marked by flashy logos and ostentatious displays of wealth, is slowly being replaced by a more understated aesthetic. The rise of “quiet luxury” is shifting consumer tastes away from overt extravagance and towards timeless pieces that exude elegance and sophistication, and nowhere is this trend more evident than in the world of handbags. Gone are the days when the value of a bag was determined by the size of its logo. Today, discerning consumers seek luxury accessories that say a lot without shouting. Brands like Demellier, Loro Piana, Brunello…

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The condor appeared at an altitude of 5,000 meters. It was not real.While ascending the frigid slopes of Huayna Potosi, the ninth highest mountain in the Bolivian Andes, I developed altitude sickness a few hundred meters from the high camp.My optimism, determination, and finally the sugar high I got from eating a frozen Snickers bar had all but vanished into a combination of mild anxiety, muscle aches, and dizziness by the time I began to hallucinate images of a giant, geometric-winged bird gently landing on the icy rocks surrounding me.With the help of some great local guides and a bit…

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Chad Swiatecki, Monday, August 12, 2024 Central Health executives spoke out against the University of Texas Dell Medical School’s April firing of all staff working in diversity, equity and inclusion programs and suggested they may scale back or terminate their contract with the school. Last week’s Central Health Budget and Finance Committee meeting included discussion of various services and collaborative agreements the health district has with medical schools that are separate from the voter-approved annual $35 million payment to care for vulnerable communities. Board member Cynthia Valadez said the university’s enforcement of the requirements of a new anti-DEI law passed…

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Dillard’s at Temple Mall was packed Saturday and Sunday with back-to-school shoppers taking advantage of the statewide tax-free weekend that began Friday and continued until late Sunday night.The exemption applies to most clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks sold for under $100. The state comptroller released a list of the items.Kari Harrison, women’s and juniors’ department manager at Dillard’s, said the store will offer steep discounts of 40 to 65 percent during the special weekend, and will continue to offer those discounts while supplies last.”The store is always stocking new items and the quality of the clothes is excellent,” she…

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“I will be running some system scaling tests tonight and tomorrow ahead of my meeting with Donald Trump,” Musk said in a post on X on Sunday night.The mercurial billionaire continued to stress test the X platform by livestreaming himself in-game twice.Musk’s first stream lasted about 19 minutes and garnered 2.1 million views, while his second stream, which lasted about 46 minutes, had 1.3 million views as of press time.Ensuring the stability of X is likely a top priority for Musk, given the platform’s shaky performance over the last year.In May 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis launched his presidential campaign…

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