Author: theparknews

Commercial August 15, 2024 For the period ending June 29, 2024, the company generated revenue of $6.67 billion across its three brands. Image courtesy of Tapestry Zach James, Luxury Daily News ServiceUS fashion group Tapestry ended FY24 with slight financial growth.{“ct”:”7DsT9wWO9wgBKMj\/BjWTTrAjAHLSLQWZ3o+R9bBJXB8ohvnQTogUPTQ5McM8Ut\/\/MQGsAOltGLOOiomhist3+tIRHSt33T7gShAL7N79KEpj2ZsHUfvA5mL8CneJMx8u4Vh\/YFONn 6azS50CHbUKonwozvpULVYPrc7NB\/PCSPLrdSAHkVICCtRXTeb8UupmNDNGqDYKrq33D0j7MaQS5wAooF6MTdiAJMhRu DRR9cEfDFzPGaC9pPJnvlmSwTdEeO8tzoqvBvPVzSJ2qyfWZ76dmYlAMtHd6BJ1+6AzOzN6xuQjvW4ovdDN3X+iDlF79wpPKCtHuT8\/f4d9RGtVua\/FPqu7QhUvWqMBNYUk+5wClmOm qOGhpHq9enkhgsjzu\/ooJSZF8W5OrVimre9dfmp6wulvrrQyOpZSc+lXZMh4KJrFnzOIu1zprtyR5416Wsa9cnloDpCZ8FdMGeJO mrGNIZAiYhft3KFtow6Vfxzn3Umx\/+QE0sJVzccHY5OQP2eWVsCcHSF3T\/NRPNOZ\/j2zSqaDjQx4qCbVVqJOtSModzfU\/+mXXSwJOct\/RjKtzxpYV\/\/Fqd5RMQJSpjwt5CclY 7wL THlOCpN3bHLof5x9dMR8TFYZHPS1m2W3CJJez6olH2pU0U2cbxEDp8PHg7i2va+5jtOXITMWT6dNUo0OZiWJa7y8Tlcsfoz4Kn0 G28Z3Vbf0x1jDaE92mCNM1YChQlJ49+LekqDjHRrjarTJVGHIKwlTxk0PbpAmadYK8T25Y0sqNopr88cHkuU4Mr9iZFuroYRgCQcWrUa4Onge8TsY8mZkC6yHS0jZHx1Cx4UAk+971OHT3fh Sn1w6mMR8j6aOVhHeWvtg9eKNCCjbdjnFm0UdnEzm8Gb36Y4iPy36nDG0VgbJAmR4jIn+QfqvEULpoQEZi0TwgvZ779oyhkJYr QEthJSbrU39Pq+Vd2DS+xdi9zaDPHCPbG8Ogyo04+akWu2+tmH759OzineBwannzhBm2JPYOA8f2hzKU0QAldK\/nM\/h0\/NNGxKR6p9KyTO+F68zr8OSbP2\/+SSGHFFp4nJLeEv8jyKTrG23RJ Rv1JvpZzSQIbJBR2c3Iq1hjHP7Go2R5c5rMVMK\/kQFJo3TN2coWWBW9e24DtqpyphsMd9KKHLPYSg\/QGql+Js1Q3DK cfCTDgP34+NKMj2fp0budXBx\/0aCgDMzZnZf9UJQBdWf+9pbht\/eOj9GMLmEv8PfecDDMhgZOxppOJdChiFIn7sXr\/BdCuLvc3yTHP8DNn3\/FOB5ovDlbz3D9uBhTkem88HbpXTnQ9GP 7+UTt\/eMtvMKlwYsnz4oVKa6n\/EbrDqniypeK\/HS4ntZ7nxweFLWC9PIhQVlPaS8rb50ju6eX7rqdgH6WVQjzHXscGmlGLF fwNm82Sv+oSd6TI86KTDMu88kENR+GCD\/ZvtT1OlRdowAClYFMSEAp6m5Hrw4DkjmcrFfqmkXCsfVUgqE5SWZgJGFGJ43r4RH\/xOJ9ulTc4FUTT2oSz0DyUCJRLDEfFqaXBcGxWKQEt k2cSNuuenhLCavwc2CgQsZz2BgEcUDeKzwt1+oWbJieZVflSiNozSjEy7n6B3zLNQCvbFk7Kw\/PHIyDObE0qjLZy3g3HWP8+5NVb 6zlZZpRaEU9Y7wZvbfxirsZajtgkf8SNHJXhPAQVtoo++iCRMnj9klkiiHXXJlOPVXySiqksTzMfWJNv5645dPgatH5Mq9Q0EG9Ze0vFTGwXLx3lOnpjpG07us4Dv7hQRJNL8Anq\/AaQiqBX3X k+pW14ZCPf9se9ARZZajwwdO1CC0Vy\/vfFXKhGuQgrHO3rw0yF+LvCc38haPSQ4wzwxAFgpu1RvHyc9xyavi8G6C0W04QI 0 165v0vylgjIDcZGpHNPL2nPQke+QqTVEFrw7NIhtsPV52OxK6R7A51LKc2YtacjAHy2iw4RSkXfiLfFpX5MsJHwlZ9SAV tOcn0NHp7syPKWEqSNQKbcPrRhyK2FDUNcivjr0mbZ0HoKs4kaktiDCUPuDS5n8jRCzuufWnQ+mJ\/mY9fs6xekpKwm5d03oKNu7XVWosbEdzn+AmDr8t2c5XX+SNDHUkapYoyNJftdWHwgqok1aMWa KvHAX tSeENXS+KT+3yq4yGve0jxwJcsbUPdFxbzBIyyBupVSsAPbD5LeUwV1FITTkcFKTfcJede60kzpoXjzHxAN38w DYfvmNKArYZUOu6Rdyef5Jalx4V5BVeSlpoc8epOMTq4KEpIqSgh78pArQxrpZiGNMuJYs2L9PIvd7pzUrdzQzTuYmTbq7P+JEeRyNAmrxzTjJf9XeRri+AXbE5kY+b1JpK3jb21t2pocg9DZ TW50tToS0Mb+uIw7ir0YgkelSMK55jbGclG7f91xjAliFVPLY0rcyOCP0mHu+TKFNApGH2adYNT58gDNk9AQ6fIqxxdPtYbRR nYD1CNpwG6ku2gHFiKtSB1vA\/9YxV\/NdZWHUrkWTSozSN72aW8WuVY2FMS1ZFdNEp0i6blX1oQuRDVU5AuZkSPMpUuIFkHmtdjn80myk5UfRO1\/50kkWQ0kWtbU0ZXtNFeNwcPflTcKmLgR 7dIk3uWbToip0UAkTwciN2zDa3o2aiIIyR+p2RgwV1YwrrmVnhJw8dEJkOTvgyFsifQhTXSimBGT\/dH0X\/U2ZwTeTwidIj +LE\/cQ2s1ufL3LHNLc0XQ4CzT8Zexm2BPZK4JG+4Amn2ZbbjzO9zhZigzQPOp3h+oQiZyc+ve\/gYBxUJfWd+Q3xN87IOxiHNPqoqBcMHY0XGSHHZOOtNDR6\/p9Vv7umnNS1\/1u DSiVRVD KBwzYDMaKT+SvuST9h5qKlFG96QKnC+nRaGA6F6xIPUHM19qJKwL5\/vVDRIIZ5jJhnX4xpLItiokU5pJOwpqdYEv1gHNrhz 2QKOb1fAW8FXBtXrMkU6KV8IJQnbMZ26rPrR7D2yYOwkTKCk7RRGRCARi2s4KZlhCJCXTpZB5UXo\/XhMFv0H+vAaWpatyMlKViSm9huBZhChwd7F6P0Pkd6d6NtVMxpuGQOkRaco4rxX+l 2DM+Og2I+zC5xoeYPBDoxoZ7Qw\/lVQMn0yGxNWGLRDss4XS0EszaMYqi4+Ueng2Ca93UN7my2oV7VOnA7TmNYBW8kMu7FhAAi5 9VLWd0zyNwK0UrGMflvF9rjdiWxY0b2THkTTz6HR5x\/PM7E\/n9MUPKysxuF4z3Qa5iSIyhPIe4jf0ZMMSgA86\/KEr2q\/18PUbzIZBNLnl5nDPITx9ISgCptPl6wBncxkmLOzULpiTU3mY3 y 0XOYrAWLAq19DwEB5jX67NREIzjIyZpF57zMqkWuYfMJlnrw+XCamYoEAX6sUiEb545UYGn4KLF\/CFyiwlJuljPzlgXDX1 5dL0Hpt27Xa3i5Opn1XyTezWPZdzlO\/1HWhBtIqphIDMQ010Vimhe0gj2Sflfrv\/+86GE6PI+sRjxmdxx1U+e7LE34vSQPGBA3NR+HmNcGTmz9ZKS2XVJfvNUViltWQ0YPFp\/Dvv9PGOQTk 67zj4T\/i2sXI92x9rY1V1Hgq46Nw==”,”iv”:”93f8cfce5395c065b9839af3fcdbc594″,”s”:”0848208e176b211f”} Share your thoughts, click here Source link

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Before the start of the college football season, there’s always a debate about which players will have the biggest impact on their teams. Whether you’re talking about a Heisman Trophy candidate, a National Championship contender, or neither, it’s important to take note of who the best player within the program is.Virginia Tech has a few players that come to mind. Cornerback Dorian Strong has developed into one of the best cover cornerbacks in college football. Another impactful player is, of course, quarterback Kyron Draughns, who helped the Hokies turn a corner from last year’s struggles around the team and will…

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“This helps you avoid being left with a bunch of items that you spent money on but never used and have to donate or take home at the end of the year.” As UVA’s sustainability manager for outreach and engagement, Garner oversees about 20 student interns who work to create and advance environmentally conscious initiatives across campus. One such initiative is the “Green Your Dorm” event, which educates first-graders on incorporating sustainable habits into their daily lives, such as washing clothes in cold water, to help them adapt to independent living.One sustainability habit that is often overlooked is buying dorm…

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Looking back at women’s sport at the Paris Olympics brings mixed feelings. The proud announcement of equal numbers of male and female athletes marked a significant milestone, but it’s been 124 years since women made their debut in Paris, so there’s no room for complacency.There were incredible highlights, too, like Keeley Hodgkinson’s stunning performance on the track, Sky Brown’s fearless skateboarding and Emma Finucane’s impressive debut on the velodrome. The Olympic athlete of the year was Sifan Hassan, whose medal ceremony was the centrepiece of the Closing Ceremony, winning bronze medals in the 5,000m and 10,000m and gold in the…

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It is a deadly relative of smallpox and was unknown before 1958. Today, MPOX, formerly known as monkeypox, is spreading across Central Africa, including in countries where it has never been seen before, and is a global health emergency.”Parts of Africa are currently experiencing a surge in monkeypox virus infections, along with the spread of a new sexually transmitted strain of the virus. This is an emergency not just for Africa, but for the entire planet,” World Health Organization director-general Dimier Ogoyena said in a statement. “The monkeypox virus originated in Africa, was ignored there and led to a global…

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Acura When you think of electric vehicles, Acura isn’t the first automaker that comes to mind. Honda’s luxury brand was a late entrant into the EV world, making its presence known in the space with the launch of its first EV, the Acura ZDX, in August 2023. Both the Acura ZDX and its sibling, the Honda Prologue, are the result of a collaboration between Honda and General Motors, allowing the Japanese automaker to utilize GM’s Ultium platform for electric vehicles. advertisement When I first drove the 2024 Acura ZDX earlier this year, it felt like, at best, a stopgap model…

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Whether you’re back to school shopping or looking for new running shoes, Zappos has you covered. Popular running brand On is offering huge discounts on the Zappos website starting at $83, with shoppers able to purchase the Cloud X 3, Cloudvista, Cloudnova Form and Cloudeasy at huge discounts. RELATED: The villa’s favourite kitchen and beauty products seen on ‘Love Island’ can be bought onlineThe Cloud X 3 is available now at Zappos. Courtesy: ZapposCloud X 3 – $83 (previously $150) The On Women’s Cloud X 3 is designed for running, but is versatile enough for any activity. It’s made from…

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President Joe Biden is expected to sign a proclamation Friday designating Springfield, Illinois, the site of a 1908 race riot that later led to the formation of the NAACP, as a national monument.White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a press conference Wednesday that the ceremony will be held in the Oval Office on Friday and will be attended by civil rights leaders and community leaders from Springfield, President Abraham Lincoln’s hometown.The ceremony came just five and a half weeks after Sonia Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman, was shot and killed by a white sheriff’s deputy after calling for…

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Tom Steenberg, Dean of the Owen School of Management at Vanderbilt University Nearly everyone agrees that the job of a new business school dean can be demanding: He or she must visit and listen to faculty, alumni, staff and students; he or she must hone a fundraising pitch; and he or she must build strong relationships with academic overseers. So when you add to that new list the possibility of building a new campus from scratch 850 miles away, it adds a whole new dimension to the job.That’s the ambitious challenge facing Tom Steenberg, who in July began his first…

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Joel Souza, the director who was shot on the set of “Lust,” starring Alec Baldwin, said in a recent interview that he was “ruined” by the incident, speaking emotionally in public for the first time about it.”When I tell people it ruined me, I don’t mean it in the way that people typically think,” Souza told Vanity Fair in an interview published Thursday. “I don’t mean it ruined my career.””So, internally, who I was was gone,” Souza added. “It just stopped.”Baldwin was rehearsing a scene on the set of a Western in New Mexico when a prop revolver he was…

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