The series is supported in part through charitable funding to, a US-based foundation that partners with the Guardian on an independent editorial project. Support for this project comes from the Foundation for Child Development.
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All journalism follows the published editorial code of GNM. The Guardian is committed to opening up journalism and recognizes that the best understanding of the world is achieved when working together, sharing knowledge, encouraging discussion, encouraging welcoming challenges, and leveraging the expertise of experts and their communities.
The only limit on Guardian compensation is where under US law, charity foundations prohibit direct or profitable funds. (b) affect the outcome of a particular public election or carry it on a voter registration drive. or (c) carry out activities for purposes other than charitable, science, or education within the meaning of Section 170(c)(2)(b).
This means communication with the public whose views have been expressed about a particular legislative proposal, prompted by the receiver of the communication “seeking action” to contact government officials, providing reasonable and objective considerations of facts and issues, allowing third parties to develop their positions on legislative legislation to be discussed.
Unless otherwise stated, all statements and materials, including statements regarding specific laws, reflect the views of individual contributors, not the child development fundamentals,, or theguardian foundation’s views.