While luxury handbags have become a staple in every woman’s wardrobe, a woman has been spotted carrying a basmati rice tote bag at a salon in the US and is making waves on the internet. This video was shared by an Instagram user.
In this now-viral video, a woman highlights the continuing trend of owning luxury bags among women. It also depicts a woman carrying a rice tote bag on her back. “You have to look at what is trending in America and it is easily available. This trend is easily available in India at a low price,” she said in the video.
Click the link to watch the video.
The video quickly gained attention and has been viewed over 800,000 times. Several social media users compared it to the Vimal tote bag. A user wrote: “The tote bag is also unisex. I’ve seen my Scottish friends wear them too.” Another user commented: “Shit, I threw away the last bag of rice. Should have followed up sooner.”
“You can’t beat the OG Vimal tote bag,” said a third user. Another user commented: “This is the OG rice bag.”
This year, Moschino made a bizarre fashion statement by launching a celery clutch priced at a whopping Rs 3,75,000. According to the brand, the clutch features a “3D digital print” with nappa leather leaves and branches handcrafted in two shades of green for added depth.
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