Monday, January 27, 2025
Alima in Sweden has announced that it has been awarded the second order from Korea Dusan Enability for a steam generator tube of about 200 kilometers for small Nusu Kale Power Modular Cutors.
In June 2023, Alleima was awarded a similar order by DOOSAN Enerbility, a steam generator tube to install the Nuscale VoyGR SMR Power Station. Delivery is scheduled for 2024, and Alleima said, “Nusu Kale’s power module was expected to be operated in 2029.”
The Nuscale Power Module is a pressurized water reaction device with all components to incorporate all components for steam generation and heat replacement into one unit, and in September 2020, approved by the US Nuclear Revision Committee. It was the first SMR design. NUSCALE provides a unit as VoyGr Plants. The VoyGR-12 power plant consisting of 12 modules can generate 924 MWE. The company also provides plants and other configurations with 4 modules and 6 modules based on customer needs.
NUSCALE’s SMR is based on PWR technology that uses Alleima’s current steam generator tube alloy.
In November 2023, Nuscale and Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems have agreed to end Carbon Free Power Project (CFPP).
NUSCALE has been placing long -term lead production orders of the first upperriker pressure container using DOOSAN EnerVility in March 2023 for CFPP. The company intends to transfer these modules to the next customer at the US Nuclear Association event in November.
The first SMR project in Nusu Kale is set to be built on the site of the Paleogenous Plant in Romania Germany.
“I’m excited to be able to supply steam generator tubes again to dousan’s energy and nuskale power,” said Nigel Hawary, president of the Arima tube category. “This technology based on pressurized water -cooled reaction instrument technology is closely related to the current nuclear technology, so we believe that it may grow significantly in the next few years. SMRS steam generator. The strength of the tube supply is increasing worldwide, and we are in a position that is suitable for future power projects.
Jongdoo Kim, a CEO of DOOSAN Enerbility, said: Business group.