The White House Budget Bureau has ordered all federal subsidies and loans suspension, according to the internal memorandum sent on Monday.
Federal government agencies said, “All activities related to all federal financial support or payment must be temporarily suspended,” said Matthew Virth, director of the White House and Budget Agency. In the memorandum, he stated that the copy was obtained by CNN. Pause also blocks new subsidies.
The memo specifies that pause does not affect social security and medical benefits or “support directly provided to individuals”.
The freezing for the federal government will be valid at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, which can affect $ trillions. It has shown the latest movements by the Trump administration to control the federal government, even what has already been allocated by Congress.
“This temporary suspension is to judge government agencies and provide the time to determine the best application of these program funding that matches the priority of the law and the President,” says Vaeth. Masu.
The memo suggests that the pause is consistent with President Donald Trump’s presidential order last week.
This suspension also applies to “foreign assistance, non -governmental organizations, DEI, wake gender IDEOLOGY, and Green New Deal, but also not limited to these, other related organizations that are related to administrative orders”. Masu. Note.
“As stated through the priority of the president, careers and political appointments in the administrative sector are obliged to match the federal government to the will of the American people,” Virth wrote.
“Financial support increases management priority, focuses taxpayers’ dollars, advances more powerful and safer in the United States, eliminates the financial burden of citizens inflation, and produces American energy and manufacturing. It is necessary to unravel, promote the government’s weapon, and promote efficiency. The government and the United States will be healthy again, “he continued. “Use of federal resources to promote the fairness of Marxist, transgender, and green Newdill Social Engineering Policy is a waste of taxpayers who do not improve our daily lives.”
According to the memo, the budget bureau may give an exception that federal governments will issue new prizes or allow other measures in case -by -case basis. ”
The institution “within the scope of the law” can also take “specific management measures” such as closing the subsidy.
In this memo, the agency is requested by February 10 to submit the OMB to “Detailed Information on Programs, Projects, or Activities”.
Washington Senator Patty Malay and Congress Congress in Connecticut -the top democratic people in the parliament wrote a letter on the White House on Monday night.
“The range of what you are ordering is unprecedented, unprecedented, and will bring catastrophic consequences nationwide,” wrote. “We will support you today, as we support the law and the constitution today, and to promote you with as powerful conditions as possible so that all federal resources are provided in accordance with the law.”
Chuck Schumer, the Leader of the Senate, also criticized the suspension immediately.
“Congress has approved these investments, but not optional. The New York Democratic Party stated in a statement on Monday night.” These subsidies support the red and blue states, and parents. Raise your child and help you connect to a more powerful community. ”
Schumar has added that the action has given billions of community subsidies and financial support to fiscal support to support millions of people nationwide.
“It means that you missed your salary and rent, and all between universities and non -profit charitable organizations,” he said.
This story is updated in additional details.
CNN’s Manu Raju has contributed to this report.